I Cant Anymore

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Ever since Friday, me and Scott have been kinda distant. He has no reason to be mad, I was there at Moonlight by accident. Nobody told me where.

"I got a turkey sandwich or a grilled cheese." I said walking in the room where Logan is. Me and him haves clicked when he got here. I like Logan. He's a nice guy and deserves more.

"Grilled." I tossed him the sandwich and I sat down with him. "Something is wrong with you."

"I'm okay." I took a bite out of my sandwich. He gave me a look. "Really, I'm okay." I stood up. "I'm okay, Logan." I walked away to my room. Today was the day my parents died. I sat on my bed just thinking about them. I heard a knock. "Come in."

"Hey." Johnny comes in with a letter.

"Johnny, I just want to be alone." I looked up at him.

"Hayden." He spoke in a ruff voice. He walked towards me and sat down on the edge of my bed.

" I don't wanna talk." I didn't make eye contact with him. I just looked down at my hands.

"I understand. I'm not sure if there's anything I can say. I won't pretend to know what you're going through."

"Then leave Johnny."

"Of course. I just wanted to give you something from your mother. Partly because I couldn't help noticing that things have been kind of difficult between you two. But it can wait." He stood up and almost at the door.

"What? What is it?" I sat up, looking at him.

"No, really, it can wait. You get some rest." He opens the door.

"What is it?" I demand.

"The day that your parents died, we all gathered at your house and I saw this bite for you in your room. She wrote this note to explain it to you what had really happened to her. If I give this to you, you have to destroy it immediately. You burn it. You promise?"

"Yes." I nodded and he gave me the letter.

"I want you to know she asked Hank to read it. He told her He shouldn't, that it was private between the two of you. But she wanted his thoughts. As I before, I don't know what you're going through. I wasn't close to my own mother. But reading this made me sorry I hadn't tried to be. Because if this were my mother, if these words were written for me, I don't know how I could sit still until someone paid for her death. Any pity I'd have for Psylocke and the others would be burned out by a white - hot desire for retribution, or a kind of blood and destruction that would have for her and the other mutants not for mercy, but for their own sweet deaths." We walked out of my room and I opened the letter.

Dear Hayden,
If you're reading this, I'm dead. You might think what happened to me and your father. What really happen was a man named Erik was on to us and we had to leave. It was too late.

I couldn't read anymore of this. I walked to my desk and I burned the note. I looked at it as I was slowly burning everything that my mom had written. I threw it in the trash. I looked at my desk and started to throw every that it was on it. I ripped photos, paper, everything. I walked to my dresser and pushed everything off. I opened my closet and ripped the clothes off my hangers and tear my shirt off.

"I will get revenge." I whisper.

Scotts POV

I was in my room listening to music until I heard a knock on my door.

"What is it?" I said as I opened the door and it was Peter. "Peter?"

"Dude, Hayden, she's gone."

"What do you mean gone?" I started to get worried.

"She's left, vanished, poof, gone!" We ran to her room and everyone was crowd there. Hank was in her room. It was a mess. Everything was on the floor.

"Oh Hayden, what are you doing?" Hank whispers. I turned to go to the main floor. Kurt, Jubilee, Jean, Peter, and Storm followed.

"What I heard, Johnny is gone too." Jean paced.

"We need to find her." I said to everyone. "She's probably out there, not knowing what she's doing."

"Johnny probably left with her, I mean, I saw him go in her room and walked back in her a couple of minutes later. After that, Hank was freaking out." Peter told us. I looked out the window and trying to figure out, what is going on.

"Oh Hayden, what are you going to do?"

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