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Cara POV

I woke up on my own, way earlier than my actual alarm. I went to the bathroom and looked at my bruise to see it was brown, purple, and yellow. And my neck had just bruised from the teeth marks and faint hickeys.

I pulled over my black Hoodie and slid my black joggers on. I put my hair over my bruises of my neck. I walk downstairs and see Tim on his phone and Mom cooking.

"Tim could you give me a ride?" I ask and my mom almost drops her pan.

"He'd love to sweety!" Mom yelled in joy and threw the keys at him.

"Yeah!" Tim looked at me in disbelief. "I'm surprised Cara!" He starts when we are in the car.

"Why?" I ask.

"Look, I know you've been having a hard time. Especially what happened to your dad." He says.

"I don't need pitty Tim." I said.

"Cara, when I was 19 I lost both of my parents." He says and I look at him. The car stopped and I noticed we where at my school.

"I have to go." I said opening the door.

"Cara, I'm here for you and your mom." He assures me and I close the car door. I hesitantly walk into school gripping my bag with a death grip. I get to my locker and open the lock setting things I don't need in it and things I need out of it.

"Cara, have you been crying?" I hear Reagans voice.

"What? No." I say softly. I brush my hair to the sides of neck. "How did the party go?" I ask her.

"It was fun!" She smiles brightly. I jump when someone wraps there arm around my waist.

"Me and Cara need to talk alone Reagan." Cameron says and pulls me away from her.

"I got you a gift." Cameron says and pulls out a box of chocolate he puts them in my hands and he starts to pull my hair closer to my neck.

"I-" I start "I don't want to date you anymore, Cameron." I state. He tries to pull me into a room but I stop him "no." I say but he pushes me into it forcefully and no one saw.

"You! Will! Not!" He yelled at me and I felt a sting on my cheek. I put my hand on it just for it to burn again. "You want to break up so you can go to Grayson! You're such a whore!" He yelled, he punched the wall making a hole into it. He got in front of me again and I flinched "cover it up!" He yelled and went out of the room. I slid from the desk to my butt and started to cry.

I got up and wiped the tears and started to walk to class with my hand up to my cheek. I was already late and I sat next to Grayson.

"Why are you absent, Cara?" Mr. Asher asked me.

"It doesn't matter." My voice was weak and cracked. I turn my head to see Grayson looking at me.

"Are you okay?" He whispered, I started shaking my leg.

"I'm fine." I replied.


At the end of the hour I was bending down to grab my stuff, someone had tapped my shoulder and I jumped.

"Sorry, Cara. Let me get that." Grayson said picking up the heavy book.

"Thanks." I said and we started to walk to my locker.

"Do you mind if I could come over to your house later. And maybe we could study for all of our hours?" He wondered. We stopped in front of my locker and I smiled at him, before I could answer Cameron came behind me and grabbed my waist protectively.

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