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I wake up in the hospital again and see Grayson asleep in the chair next to me. I put my hand on my stomach feeling happy for an odd reason. There was a knock on my door then two guys in suits came in. By this point Grayson woke up, he stood up and shook their hands.

"This is my partner Officer Black and I'm Officer Ron." The men greeted me. I sat up and shook their hands. Grayson left so the officers could ask me questions.

"I'm-" officer Ton cut me off.

"Miss. Cara." He smiles. "We have a few questions about your state." I sigh.

"What would you like to know?" I ask them and they sit.

"Who did this?" Officer Ron asked.

"Cameron Dan Harold." I state and they write it down.

"Was he abusive before or after homework figured out you are barring his child?" He asked.

"Before." They start to write again.

"Ma'am I understand why you didn't report this. I'm sorry he hurt you, but we have to ask a very personal question." I nodded my head for them to go on "When you guys got intimate was it consensual?" I hesitated. "He can not hurt you if you tell us the truth."

"No." I say learning my throats and wiping my eye quickly.

"I'm sorry to upset you." The officers both say.

"It's fine."

After a few more questions they left and Grayson came back in.

"You okay?" He asks and I smile.

"Yeah." I say softly "do you have my clothes?" I ask and he nods getting out a bag. I take off the oxygen thing that was wrapped around my nose, I grabbed a white spaghetti strap, black tights, and converses. I change in front of Grayson, but he looks away to give me privacy.

"Thanks." I say and he turns around.

"You're welcome. I see you are still wearing my necklace." Grayson smiles pointing at it.

"Yeah, I like it." I smile holding the stone. "Did they say when I could leave?" I ask.

"Yeah, it should be soon." And with that the doc came in.

"I just have to unhook you IV and you'll just check out." Doc says taking out the IV

"Thanks." I say and pack the teddy bear Emma gave me. I tried to grab by bag when Grayson snatched it quickly.

"I got it." Grayson says. I wanted to tell him I can do it, but instead I took the nice gesture and shut my mouth. I put a hand on my non-growing stomach and sign these papers. We got into Grayson's car and he put my bag in the back.

"You want to grab something to eat?" Grayson asks and I nod my head yes.


We pull up at a restaurant and walk in. We sit down near the window and a guy waiter comes up.

"How are you guys doing?" I look up and smile at him.

"Good. How are you?" I say and Grayson looks angry.

"Good, thanks for asking. What can I get you two to drink?" He asks.

"Water with lemon, please." I answer and he turns to Grayson.

"I'll have the same." Grayson replies. The waiter walks off and I give Grayson a look. "What?" He asks.

"Jealous much?" I chuckle.

"No! What? No." I chuckle at his stammering. "I'm sorry he did that to you." Grayson brings up Cameron.

"Doctor said an hour later and I could've been a goner." I chuckle sadly. "You saved my life." I grab his left hand seeing he didn't wear the ring. "My face still hurts like hell though." This time we both chuckle.


We stop in front of my house and I look out the window setting a hand on my stomach.

"I'm scared." I say, my voice cracking. I look back at Grayson.

"I'm here for you Cara." Grayson gives me a hug "for the both of you." He adds.

"Thank you." I say giving him a kiss on the cheek. I get out of the car and walk up to the door with a heavy sigh. I walk in the house only to hear the baby's crying and mom and Tim yelling at each other. I go inside the twins room and hover over them.

I hesitantly pick Jamie up and start to rock her making her go to sleep, then I pick up James and start to rock him to sleep. He was more fussy so I started to sing him a lullaby dad made up for me to sleep.

I hadn't notice but Tim and Mom stopped yelling. I put James down and turn around only to see Tim and Mom smiling.

"You finally picked them up." Mom smiled with red eyes and Tims face was red then turned to the regular color.

"I will understand if you want to kick me out." I sniffle turning back to the twins, I start to rock the crib because they're starting to wake up.

"Cara," mom sighs "we know what happened and that it wasn't your fault. I'm going to hire a therapist and I will look at clinics for abortions." I turn around quickly.

"What!?" I yell and the twins start to cry again. "I have chosen to keep it. It's not just some accident, it was torturous! No matter how much I hate Cameron and what happened I will care for this child and make sure it never knows who it's father is! This isn't just a little problem, this is a living thing!" I turn around and start to rock the crib.

"That baby will be nothing but evil!" Mom yelled. The door bell rang and Tim went away.

"It's not evil! I guess if you think that then maybe I'll just leave! I was so stupid to think you would actually care for me again." Tears prickle my eyes. The two officers from the hospital were behind Mom. I cleared my throat and wiped my eyes.


The officers asked more questions and handed me a paper about court days to lock Cameron away.

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