He's Gone:

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""There's been a bus crash. The bus Cameron was on. People are injured but two are dead and one got away." Rebecca says quickly. Cameron wouldn't purposely crash a bus knowing he'd die so I thought nothing of it but my cramps.

"You guys can check it out." I say tiredly "I'm going to put a heating blanket over me and go to sleep" I answer.

"Are you sure?" They both ask me concerned. I nod my head and smile, they hesitantly leave.



I laid on the bed with my stomach still in knots. I sigh in pain and stand up holding my little bump. I go downstairs into the kitchen grabbing ice water. I hear a little creak coming from upstairs, but think of nothing.


We get down to the area where the crash had happened. Me and Mom quickly got out of the car and ran to an officer.

"Sir, in going to have to ask you to back up." He said putting his hand up.

"Look," I start. "I need to know the person missing. My girl, Cara Johns, she's a victim of one of those people on the bus." The officer sighs in annoyance. "He raped her and abused her!" I yelled trying to get his attention. "Now I need to know who the fuck is missing!"

"The inmates name is Cameron Allen Roy." He states. I couldn't feel anything.

'He's missing and going after Cara and her child!'  I think mentally.

"Mom, we have to go!" I tell grabbing her hand and the keys. Going ten miles above the speed limit I pass cars quickly.

'I can't believe he escaped!' I slammed my hands against the wheel, mom set her hand on the my shoulder.

"It's okay, Grayson." She says softly. "I'll call her. How 'bout you go ten more miles above the speed limit?" She suggests and I do as I'm told without complaining.

"Cara?" Mom says and I take the phone out of her hand.

"Cara. Get out of the house and go to the neighbors." I demand Cara.

"What's wrong, Grayson?" She asks worried.

"It's Cameron." I say and the line goes silent.

"Is he the one missing?" She asks while I hear shuffling in the back.

"Yes, Cara. Get out, now!" I yell. I hear her gasp and I sigh. "Sorry, I didn-" I couldn't finish when I heard his voice.

"Hello, love." His voice was filled with vengeance. Cameron! 

"Cara, go!" I yelled. I heard her footsteps and I pressed on the petal more when I heard her scream hearing the phone being thrown.

"Better get here faster, Grayson. I don't think he'll make it." Cameron chuckled. I was speeding to one hundred and fifty.

"Grayson, what happened?" Mom asked and I wiped the tear in my eye.

"I don't know Ma, he hurt her."


I ran inside the house seeing it was dark.

"Cara!?" I yelled walking in with a baseball bat. I go to the end of the stairs seeing Caras' lifeless body. Blood oozing everywhere. I cry on her and scream picking her bloody body up and walking out of the house, the lights from the car beaming on me and the terror in moms eyes. I put Cara in the back seat and quickly go to the hospital.

"HELP!?" Me and mom ran into the hospital. A nurse brought in a gurney and pushed Cara away from me.

'It's all my fault.'


I opened my eyes with lights shining bright in my eyes with cords all around me. I groan in protest that the lights shown right in my eyes.

"Cara, baby?" I feel something warm from my right hand slip and go to my cheek.

"Gr-" he cuts me off.

"It's okay." He says with tears in his eyes and hands me a cup of water.

"What about him?" I ask with a scratchy voice, putting my hand on my stomach.

"I'm sorry." He looks down. I shut my eyes and put my head back with my hands to my face.

"No!" I yell and tears run down my eyes. "No no no..." Is all I repeat. "He's gone!?" I sit up more and bend over and cry, Grayson sits next to me and rubs my back. I wanted to push him off of me or do something, but I couldn't. I was too weak and too numb. He pulled me into his hold and I heard him sniffle and choke on his words.

...So there we were. Both of us crying, my body on his lap and his body on my back. Crying our hearts out over a monsters child, but he was my baby! I carried him for two months and I loved him so much!


While she cried I comforted her. She cried in my lap and this time I knew she was completely broken because of Cameron, he beat her, he crushed her self-esteem, and now he killed her child!

After a while Cara fell asleep on me. I pushed her gently back onto the bed and put the covers over her. I walked out of the room and quickly put my hands up in defense when I saw s person in front of me, I sighed and relaxed when it was just an officer watching out for Cara.

"Sorry, man." I sigh, the officer smiles and just pats my shoulder.

"It's okay! How is she?" He asked me.

"Not good." I slide my hands in my pockets. When he was about to answer his phone rang.

"Richard speaking." He says and pauses. "I understand, sir." Another pause "I'll tell them both, sir." Then he hangs up and looks st me. "Um... they found Cameron." He answers.

"Where is he!" I vigorously slam my fist against the wall.

"He wouldn't go down with out a fight." He replied meaning Cameron is now dead.

"Ugh!" I slammed my fist against the wall again.

"Look man, at least he won't hurt her anymore." He pats my shoulder and I nod.


I heard two slams coming from outside my room. The first one was the one that woke me up, I just rolled over in the bed turning away from the door. I couldn't bother to go look outside and see the commotion. I just couldn't move, I was sad and miserable that he was gone. After the second slam and a pause with mumbles someone came in.

"Cara?" I hear Grayson's voice. I didn't answer, I just closed my eyes quickly and heard his footsteps come near me. He sighed heavily then his warm fingertips brushed against my skin, from my temple to my cheek bone then back up to my temple and brushing my hair back gently. "Cara, I know you're not asleep." He says. After I didn't answer he sighed then sat down in the chair. "I'm sorry," he takes my hand and then he sniffles "it's all my fault." His voice cracks and I feel his forehead on my hand. "If only u could've protected you more." I slowly open my eyes and see Grayson crying, holding my hand.

"No it's not, Grayson," I take my hand away and brush it through his hair and give him a weak smile. He quickly looks up and kisses my hand.

"Yes. Yes, yes it is. It's all my fault." Tears drip from his eyes. I sit up and wipe his tears.

"Come here." I say scooting over from the bed. He comes up and cuddles with me and holds me in his arms.

"I'll protect you for now on." He whispers to me.

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