Double trouble:

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I wake up earlier than Cameron, I put on all my clothes and shoes. I step out of his room and out of his door.

I start to walk to the way to moms. The sound of my sniffles and birds chirping is the only sound I hear. I look at my wrist, secured by a black cast. My tiny, boned, fingers popping out of it.


I walk into the house quietly trying not to wake anyone up. But you can clearly hear Tim and Mom yelling at each other. I sigh and take off my shoes, I pick them up and creep up the stairs.

"Cara!" My mom says opening her door and looking at me with tired eyes.

"What?" I ask with a hard tone.

"Where were you?" She asks sadly.

"It doesn't matter." I say opening my room door.

"Yes it does!" She yells at me. "You where gone for a day!" She says.

"I was with Cameron." I say going into my room and closing the door. I drop my shoes to the side. I sigh looking at the mess I've made. I pick up my phone and put everything back in it. My phone blares with messages on Instagram and Snapchat.

I open the messages to see its cheerleaders, jocks, and people I don't know. They commented on my photos calling me a whore and a slut. Some jocks texted me saying 'come over and fuck me baby' or 'come here and suck my cock'

The cheerleaders call me a hoe, attention whore, dick sucker and more. No texts from Grayson and a lot of texts from Tim and Mom. I put my phone down and pull over my bed on the right side.


After an hour or two my room was finally back to the way it was. I picked up the broken picture of me and my dad when we were on the swings. I go into my bathroom and start a shower, even though I can't get my cast wet.


I step out of the shower and put on pajamas. I go into my room to see Mom on my bed.

"What happened to your wrist?" She asked me.

"I broke it." I say putting my dirty clothes in my basket.

"How?" She asked.

"I was doing cheer practice to blow off steam at Cameron's." I reply.

"Come eat with me and Tim." She says hopefully. "I'm not taking no for an answer." She gets up and sniffles.

I get up and walk down to the dinner table. I sit in front of Mom and grab a little bit of food, even though I wasn't hungry.

"Cara," mom starts "why don't you tell Tim what happened with your wrist?" She says taking a sip of water and Tim takes a gulp of beer.

"I was doing cheer." I said. My phone rings and I look to see Cameron texted me.

"We are going to have a family dinner today. Why don't you ask Cameron to come?" Mom asks with a smile.

"I don't think-" before I could finish Tim interrupted me.

"Ask him Cara." He said sternly.

"Fine." I said.

"We'll be eating out." Mom says "grandma and pa will be there, aunt Alexia and Uncle Garret will be there too!" She says excitedly.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because." Mom answers shrugging her shoulders "you'll see!"


"Where are we going?" I ask Mom, helping her put the dishes away.

"Just to a little restaurant." She smiles. "Probably Olive Garden?" She shrugs her shoulders again.

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