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I dreaded having to wake up today. I made my way to my room up to the bathroom and looked at the toilet.

Should I skip school?

I was thinking of it, my mom would need proof that I'm sick. I shakily grabbed my toothbrush and kneeled down in front of the toilet, I shakily pushed the toothbrush in the back of my throat. Acid came out of my mouth and I dropped my toothbrush holding onto the bowl.

"Honey?" My mom runs in and she runs my back. "You can't go to school." She said putting her hand on my forehead. "Just rest today." She said.

"Okay." I whispered, I got up and washed my mouth out.

"I'll call the school." She said leaving me alone. I sighed wiping my mouth with a towel.

I sat on the edge of my bed and looked st the bed. I rubbed my eyes and texted Grayson.

'Skipping school.' I texted to him.

'What's wrong?' He asks me.

'I just threw up.' I answered.

'I can skip w/ you and take care of you?' He asked me. I smiled to myself.

'I'd like that.' I answered and went downstairs. I held my stomach, uneasily from throwing up, I see Tim eating toast and my mom fixing tomato soup.

"Tim has to go to work and so do I. Will you be okay alone?" Mom asked.

"Yes." I sighed out and sat in front of Tim.

"Are you going to go to Cheer Practice?" Tim asked me.

"Yes. I have to." I answered "I'll just get a ride from Reagan."

"Why don't you just drive?" Tim asks me.

"Because I don't have a car." I commented.

"Right." Tim says like an idiot.


I got into a sweater and oversized joggers of my moms. I put my hair into a messy pony-tail, I stomped downstairs and sat on the couch with my phone.

'Where you at?' Cameron texted me.

'I'm sick.' I answer him.

'Did you throw up? Cuz if you did you better take a pregnancy test.' I scoffed at his remark.

'No, I just don't feel good.' I texted back and turned my phone off.

I started watching a movie while eating some of the soup. The doorbell rings and I stand up answering the door seeing Grayson.

"Hey." He says smiling and he gives me a hug. It's a warm, comforting, and relaxing. "How do you feel?" He asks me making me setting me down on the couch.

"Yeah." I say scratching my head not wanting to answer him.

"Did anything happen after I left?" He asks me and I start to get flashbacks.

"No." I whisper.

"Car (care), you can tell me anything." He said grabbing my hand, I hold his tightly.

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