Dress Picking:

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"Cara." A faint voice wakes me in my sleep. I open my eyes a little to see Cameron, I gasp lightly and sit up.

"What the hell." I say he just smiles and kisses me. I try to back up when he forcefully grabs the back of my neck.

My door opens up and Cameron gets off of me. I look to see Tim peeking open the door.

"Your mom want you to go dress shopping with her today." Tim says "me and Cameron will go tux shopping!"

"I don't want to go." I say quietly. Before Tim could say anything Cameron interrupted.

"Why don't I talk to her, while you go and fix your fiancée breakfast." Cameron says more of a demand.

"Okay!" Tim says happily and shuts my door. Cameron stands up and paces my room.

"Do I have to teach you a lesson?" He threatens.

"What are you talking about?" I say furrowing my eyebrows. He grabs my forearm roughly shoving me down onto the ground.

"Can you not hear!?" He whisper yells. I look up at him on my knees, holding myself. "I'll show you-" he starts to unbuckle his belt but I interrupt, trying to save my life.

"I'll go." I beg, putting my one hand up in surrender, he smiles grabbing my whole jaw. He raises his hand and pulls my head up close to his face.

"Don't ever make me do that again." He said shoving my face back. "I'm going to tell Tim and Rachel(her mom) that we will shop together." He smiles buckling up his belt.

Cameron walks outside of my room and whistles down the stairs. I hold onto my, pain filled, jaw going into my closet with shaky legs. I pick out clothes and put on a flannel that goes good with it. I walk into my bathroom mirror and start to brush my hair, leaving it in big waves.

"Come on." Cameron demands barging into my room grabbing my wrist roughly. "Rachel is going with some of her friends to pick out a dress and Tim will go with some guy friends!" He half-heartedly excitedly says. He grabs me downstairs and forces himself to smile.

"You two are adorable!" Mom said smiling brightly.

'Only if she knew.' I thought to myself.


I wake up next to a naked Ava under the covers. I sigh to myself, grabbing my phone. I scroll through my contacts to see Cara's popping up. I so badly wanted to text her! But I know she would never reply.

"Hey baby." Ava rubs her hand on my stomach and starts to go lower.

"I have to go back to my house." I say standing up, putting my grey joggers on.

"Come on!" She complains. "You just want to go back to Cara!" She yells with jealousy.

"What are you talking about?" Tired of her bullshit I put on my sweater. "I'm over her." I defend myself knowing that every word that uttered my mouth was not true.

The way her dark brown hair flows perfectly, the beauty in her eyes, and her body! Her body was perfect!

"Grey!" Ava yelled snapping me out of my daze. "Just leave." She scoffs.

I walk down her twirly flight of stairs.

'God! Why am I even dating her? She's just a fucking snob like the rest of them!' I hustle down the stairs and into my car.


Cameron grabs my thigh with his hand in his car.

"Where to?" I ask him quietly.

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