All Alone:

210 4 0

I wake up around three o' clock at night. I stand up and stretch, hissing in pain, I take off Grayson's shirt and a whiff of his cologne hits my nose. I put on my own clothes and food the blanket and shirt plopping the pillow on top of the clothes.

I tip-toe to the door and open it up, the cold air makes me shiver. I see Ava coming out of her car in just a little trench coat.

"Fuck." I whisper under my breath. The door slams shut and I turn around to see Grayson without a shirt on revealing his eight pack. He has his arm extended to the door and he looks at me.

"Where are you going?" He asks, his voice filled with sleep.

"Ava's here. I have to go." I tell him he smirks and puts his lips close to mine, his lips softly brush against mine.

"Go out my window." He steps away. I quickly go up the stairs hearing him open the door.

"Hey A-" he couldn't finish his entrance when I heard a plop, like they hit the couch.

"I have a little surprise." Her squeaky voice says. I gag and go out the window into the cold air, hugging myself.

I walk under bright street lights and dark shadows. It was deathly silent, I felt like on one of those whore movies where a person grabs me when I'm in the shadow.

"Ma'am?" Someone grabs my shoulder and I scream.

"I'm sorry." I say looking at the guy under the light.

"Cara!?" He says happily.

"How do you know my name?" I ask stepping away.

"We go to school together." He smiles.

"Brett?" (AN: don't need to remember his name, just a side character) I tilt my head.

"Yup." He smiles.

"What are you doing out this late?" I ask him.

"I could ask you the same." I smile at him and he smiles back. "Do you want a ride? It's cold and dark." He says.

"Sure." I smile getting into his truck.

"Are you still dating Cameron?" He asks driving taking a quick glance at me.

"Yes." I look out the window.

"I seen that your sex photos got leaked." He says with concern.

"How-" I couldn't finish when he answered my question.

"Got them from Frank." He clears his throats from the awkward conversation.

"Did you do it?" I ask him with a low voice.

"No." He says. "I'm sorry that that happened." He said.

"You weren't the one to leak them Brett." I look down at my fingers fidgeting with each other.

"We're here." He clears his threat again. I smile at him and look at my house with no lights on.

"Thank you." I say giving him a quick hug. I get out and turn back to him. "Don't tell Cameron about this." I say.

"Why not?" He asks.

"He just gets- you know, I'll see you tomorrow." I smile shutting the door and walking inside the house. I go up the stairs and shut my door quietly.

I take off my clothes and go into the shower. I turn on the hot water as the room starts to steam, I step into the water feeling pelts onto my back. I bend my head forward and close my eyes.


I wrap a towel around my body and around my hair. By now it was already four o' clock. I hopped into bed and pulled the sheets over my head.

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