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(AN: so I just got my nails done and they're acrylic so sorry if I miss spell a lot of words that my auto correct doesn't fix! Also this is going to be a short chApter!)

It was dark and cold. I reached my hand out to the other side of the bed and no one was there. I sat up seeing Grayson was at his desk looking at something.

"Grayson?" I Say and he turns around. I stand up and go towards him.

"Did I wake you?" He asked.

"No." I answer "what are you doing?" I ask.

"Nothing, just go back to bed Cara." I got closer to him and saw he was writing in a journal.

"Journal?" I say looking over his shoulder.

"Cara." Grayson sighs and puts his arm around my waist but immediately moves it. I was surprised, I didn't jump away, I didn't feel like he was going to hit me, I felt safe. I grabbed his arm and put it back around my waist, to his and my surprise we stayed like this.

"What's in it?" I asked "all your secrets?" We both chuckled.

"It's about you, Cara." Homework says.

"So, a book about my sappy life?" I ask with my eyebrows raised.

"It doesn't have to be sappy." He chuckles and gently leans his head on me. I put my hand on the side of his head.

"But it is." I whisper.

"Come on, it's late." He stands grabbing my hand gently. He plops himself down on the bed and I lay on top of him. "What are you doing?" Grayson chuckled stroking my hair.

"Thank you." I say pulling the covers over us.

"For what?" He asks putting his arms around me.

"For just being here." I say. The door knob jiggles open and I fly off of Grayson.

"Mom!?"Grayson says.

"This is my house, honey." Rebecca says and I chuckle lightly.

"Yes, mom." Grayson replies.

"When are you going to go back to your house?" Rebecca asks me.

"Uh-" I was cut off by grayson.

"Mom, I was wondering if Cara could stay until he Mom and Tim got back. Just to be safe." He whispered the last part to her, but I heard.

"When your mom coming?" Rebecca asks happily.

"She said in a week, but I don't want to be a burden." I quickly say.

"Nonsense!" She yells with a smile "it'll be like a sleepover!" Rebecca squeals.

"Mom. No." Grayson sternly says.

"Oh hush Grayson!" Rebecca playfully hits him on his shoulder.

"We could all watch a movie, here, after dinner?" I suggest.

"That's a great idea, Car(care)!" Rebecca squeals.

"Yup!" Grayson's pops the P and sighs.

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