One Month:

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After a week I had left Rebecca and Grayson's house because Mom and Tim finally came back. After another week Grayson told me he was dating this girl named Emma. Now there's no more school(Summer), Cameron still harasses me. I haven't talked with Grayson after he got his new girlfriend because all they seem to do is fuck and hang out. I never get to be around him, so I don't talk to him much and he doesn't talk to me much. So here I am in my room reading my book.

"Honey," mom calls out. "Me and Tim are going baby shopping! We'll be back in two hours!" Mom and Tim still don't know anything about Cameron. Also she is due tomorrow to give birth.

"Okay." I yell back so she could hear.

After a while the door open and slams shut.

"It's only been an hour mom?" I yell out. No one answers. "Mom!?" I stand up in my room looking down the hallway, footsteps creep up the stairs and he pops out of the corner "no!" I yell as Cameron smirks.

"Miss me?" He starts to charge at my door and I try to shut it. Cameron was too strong to hold back and sent me flying, I landed on my butt.

"Please, Cameron." I beg, my life was just getting better! I got excepted into three colleges far away from here!

"What? I'm only doing what you like." I scoot back on my butt since I'm on the floor.

"I just finally got my life together!" Cameron got on top of me.

"You only left out one thing. Where am I?" He started to rip off my clothes as I kept kicking.


"I hate you." I said lowly as Cameron for dressed, I put the covers over me.

"You love me." He said grabbing my jaw. He left the house and I got up quickly grabbing my clothes (the ones on top) quickly putting them on. I grab Tims keys and get into his car. Before starting it I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. For two months I haven't looked at myself and everything just flooded back, I started to cry.

Driving to Rebecca's and Grayson's was very hard because of the tears in my eyes. I park out front of their house and look at my swollen, red, eyes. I quickly wipe away the tears that dare spill from my eyes. I walk up to the door and knock lightly. No one answers and I knock louder.

"Gray!?" I yell and the door opens up to Grayson covering his area with a pillow and behind Emma is wrapped in sheets. I breath in heavily trying not to cry. "I'm going to go." I say turning around.

"Wait, Cara!?" Grayson grabs my shoulder and I flinch. "What's wrong? You look like hell. Did he do something?"

"No." I say sternly moving away from him. "It doesn't matter anyways, you're busy with her, like always." I turn around and start to walk away with Grayson telling me to come back. I get back in the car and drive back home. I lay in bed with my knees to my chest, like a ball.

"Ahhh!" I hear Mom yell "my water broke!" I sit up quickly and go down the stairs to see Tim holding mom.

"Cara, grab the keys and drive!" Tim yelled at me throwing it at me, I catch them and we run into the car.


After we got to the hospital they put mom in a room. Tim was inside, but I waited outside. I did NOT want to hear her screaming.

"Cara?" I turn around to see a nurse "you have two beautiful baby brother and sister!" She smiles.

"Thanks." I Say without returning the smile.


I went home after mom had given birth, but Tim stayed. I pick out black jeans with holes, and an oversized grey short sleeved shirt. After I brushed my hair I didn't feel good, I knelt down in front of my toilet and started to puke. I put my hair into a quick bun, more puke kept coming out.

After I was done I brushed my teeth and left my hair into a messy bun with strands of hair out. I started to think about things so I grabbed my keys Togo to the pharmacy.

I parked in front of CVS and grabbed my sunglasses. I walked into the store grabbing three pregnancy tests. I walk up to the guy cashier and he rung me up.

"Good luck, miss!" He said with a country accent.

"Thanks." I smile and look at him through my sunglasses. I grab the bag and ran inside my car. Rushing home I went into my bathroom.



Tears prickled my eyes but I rubbed them away quickly. I started to throw a fit and threw everything I had on the counter of my bathroom sink.

"Ahhh!" I yelled angrily.


'We need to talk. See you at the Cafe. Five minuets?' I got a text from Grayson. I sighed and texted back an okay, I was still mad at him but if he needs to talk I'll be there for him. I looked at myself in the mirror, dark bags, red swollen eyes, and my face was droopy.

At the cafe I waited for Grayson as I sipped my water. I put my hand over my stomach and Grayson plops down on his chair making me jump.

"Gray-" I tried to say something but he cut me off.

"Okay, I want your opinion." He says with a weird smile.

"Gr-" I tried to start when he opened a small box revealing a ring. My mouth was open and I stared at the ring in confusion.

"Do you like it?" He asked. "I'm going to ask Emma to be my wife!" He says smiling.

"But you've barely known her?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"We've dated for almost two months and known each other for two years." He chuckles.

"Oh." I say quietly.

"Also I got excepted in the same college as her!" He smiles. I fake smile and rub my temple.

"That's nice." I say sniffling and wiping my eye.

"So, what's wrong with you? You look like shit." I was taken back by his words.

"Nothing." I say holding my stomach.

"There she is!" Grayson smiles looking out the window. I see Emma come in and Grayson stands up giving her a long kiss, but she wanted more. I coughed and sniffles again to get their attention.

"You can sit here Emma, I'm leaving anyways." I get up and once I try to leave Grayson grabs my forearm.

"Why-" I cut him off by taking my forearm out of his hand.

"You expect me to be here for you when you were never there for me?" I exploded "he did it again and now I'm stuck with something for the rest of my life!" He looked at me confused "you'll figure it out in nine months. Oh wait! You'll probably forget about me and have one of your own!" I walked out furiously and drove back home.


I was in bed, cuddled with my blanket, teddy bear, computer, and tea. I was looking at abortion doctors, I know it was wrong, but this child doesn't deserve to have to be in my life. I decided that the child will be better off not knowing me or Cameron. I made an appointment to see a doctor about it at ten in the morning. After a hot shower I went to sleep around nine.

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