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I woke up when a nurse came into my room and gave me a warm smile, I didn't want to be rude so I smiled back.

"How are you feeling sweetie?" She asks and grabs a clipboard and pen. My smile went down because I didn't know what to tell her.

"I don't know."  I answer honestly. She starts writing things down, she takes out pills and pop the bottle open.

"We will be giving you pain medicine everyday." She says handing me two and a water cup.

"Thanks." I say quietly sitting up more.

"Sweetie," she starts and I look up at her "we really need to know what happened to you. We are going to tell your mom about your injuries today." She added the last part.

I thought about telling her for a second, but I knew that Cameron would be belligerent with me again. I needed to come up with a lie.

"I have a pimp." I say quickly "sometimes when we have our parties they get out of hand." The nurse sighs not believing a word I say.

"Someone will be in here in a few minutes, you should talk to him." She starts to leave when I add-

"I'm not crazy." She turns around and smiles.

"I know, you just need someone to listen to you. For once." I look down at my lap and she adds "I'm glad you're talking today." She gives me another warm smile then leaves. I sigh heavily, I carefully get up and go towards the chair I had set close to the window so I could look out of it.

"Daddy, look at this view!" I look down at the window of the hospital. Dad starts to cough and I turn around quickly. "It's okay dad." I say giving him water and rubbing his back. "You'll get better."

"Thank you, Cara." Dad said weakly.

"Cara, may I speak with you quickly?" The doc asks coming in.

"Why can't you tell me in here?" I ask.

"Just go Cara, it's okay." My dad pats my back. I give him a quick hug and me and the doc stand outside.

"Your father lungs are collapsing at a large rate, very quickly." The doc flips through paper. "He can make it for the rest of the week, but I'm sorry." He says.

"How is that possible?" Tears flow down my face.

"It just is." The doc says sadly "I'm sorry, I wish I could do more." I wanted to yell at him, but he did try everything. He was always kind to us, to his and my surprise I gave him a hug. He stiffened for a while then he wrapped his arms around me while I cried.

End Of Flashback~

I sat in the chair with one of my legs up (In the photo) I wiped my eye that had a prickle of a tear. When I heard someone coming in I didn't care who it was.

"Cara, I'm your therapist for the whole week." A deep voice says, he sounded old.

"Okay." I say quietly, still looking out the window.

"You can call me Bill." He says. "How are you today?" He asks. I didn't respond, I didn't want to. "Cara, you have to at least try."

"What if I don't want to?" I still didn't look at him.

"Sometimes we just have to deal with the fact that life doesn't always go our way." I scoff at his words.

"You don't think I know that?" I say lowly "nothing goes our way." I whisper.

"Have you had a recent death in your life?" He asks me.

"No. " I lie.

"Yes you have, your dad." He said "who hurt you?" He asked.

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