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(AN: The pictures are pretty self explanatory so here's your chapter!)


I looked at Cara's lifeless body laying in the hospital bed.

"Mr. Grayson?" The Doctor comes in and I nod my head "I have wrote down that Cara has broken ribs, bruised esophagus, rape, major bruising, anorexia, and several broken bones." He says flipping through papers.

"Rape?" I ask my voice cracked.

"Yes," the doc nods his head "repeatedly." He adds and tears fall from my eyes and I rub them away. "What is your status with the patient?" He asks me.

"She's my friend." My voice cracks again. "Will she be okay?" I ask another year slips my eye.

"Physically, it's up to her. Mentally, I don't know." Doc says sadly "I have never seen a case this bad." The doc looks like he was about to cry when his pager went off. "Excuse me, my patient needs me." Doc says sorry then leaves.

I scoot my chair closer to Cara and grab her small, fragile, cold hand. I press the surface to my lips and kiss it.

"I'm sorry Cara, I won't leave you. Ever again."


Everything was dark, I couldn't see anything. A figure appears in front of me and I scream.

"Daddy?" I ask looking closer at the person standing before me. "Am I dead?" I ask.

"No." He says his voice, sweet voice was now raspy. "You have to fight Cara, they need you." He urges.

"But I need you." I say quietly looking down. "Mom doesn't care about me anymore."

"She loves you Cara." The touch of my dad's hand gently touches my face wiping my tears away. I look back up, but Dad was gone, it was Cameron. I took a step back and he brought out a knife and stabbed me.

I woke up in a jolt having a mask over my mouth, my body was in pain. I heard a monitor beeping rapidly and people started coming in. They made Grayson leave, that's when I noticed him.

"Cara, you're at the hospital." A guy says. "I'm doctor Jones. Please, relax and lay back down." The Doctor touches my back and shoulder gently pressing my body down. He takes off the mask and hands me water.

"Why am I here?" I ask weakly and raspy.

"That's what I am going to figure out." He says "when you came in I found broken ribs, bruised esophagus, anorexia, several broken bones, major bruising, and repeatedly rape." I look down and not at the doc. "Did Grayson do this to you?" He asked me.

"No!" I defend Grayson "he wouldn't do this to me."

'He'd only hurt you mentally.' I think.

"You need lots of rest, I'll be back shortly." He adds and leaves. I turn away from the chair I know Grayson was sitting at, I didn't want to look at him. I heard heavy footsteps coming near me and a light cough.

"Cara?" I hear Grayson start. "Please look at me." He begs. I shut my eyes tightly trying not to listen to him. He betrayed my trust! He's the one out of many reasons I'm in the hospital! I hear him sigh heavily his hand gently touches my forearm like I could break easily, I pushed his hand off of me causing pain going through my body. "Cara, I thought you were going to die." He started his voice croaked "I thought I was going to lose you and it'd be all my fault because I didn't stop Ava."

"I thought I could trust you." My voice weak, small, tiny.

"You ca-" I cut him off before he said that I can trust him.

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