Im Sorry:

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I wake up by the sound of the door slamming and I sit up.

"We're home!" I hear Tim yell. I walk downstairs to see mom holding the girl and Tim holding the boy.

"You want to hold Jamie or James?" Mom asked.

"No." I scoot back because she came closer.

"Why not? They're your brother and sister." Mom starts to have an attitude.

"Because!" I accidentally yell. "Sorry, I'm just tired and I'm busy today." I go back upstairs putting on black tights and a simple sweatshirt. I grab the keys "bye mom." I Say to her in the living room. She nods and gives me a smile and looks back down at the sleeping baby.

I pull up at the cafe since I had thirty minutes till my appointment, only to talk. I waited in line when Grayson came in, I turned around quickly. I was debating on if I should leave quickly or stay.

"Cara?" I hear Grayson. I sigh heavily.

"I was just leaving." I sat walking out of the cafe when Grayson follows me.

"Cara, wait!" He grabs my arm. "Where are you headed?" He asks.

"No where." I say lying.

"Cara, I'm not stupid. I know when you're lying." Ugh he caught me!

"Fine. I'm going to a... doctor." I answer him.

"Look, I replayed in my mind what you said. Are you gonna keep it?" He asks.

"No." I say in a low whisper looking at my feet.

"Let me be there for you." He said grabbing both of my hands. My finger hit something like a hard rock on his left hand. I look at his finger and see a ring, I let go of his grip.

"You just feel guilty you didn't help me before. And now you're married, I'm pretty sure you can't be bothered with her wanting to fuck twenty-four seven!" I yelled at him. He looked taken back by what I said, he was about to yell at me when he wrapped me in his arms for a hug.

"I'm coming with you. That's the end of this discussion." Grayson let go of me and opened the drivers door for me to get in. I hesitantly got in and watched as he went into the passenger side.


I parked the car out front of the doctors place. I got out of the car and was about to rush into the clinic when Grayson grabbed me.

"I was going to give this to you before everything happened, but we stopped talking. So I want to give it to you now." Grayson pulls out a necklace from his pocket. It was a beautiful stone. "Please just wear it around me so I could feel better." I hesitantly grabbed it from his hand and hooked it around my neck.

We walked inside the clinic and every woman gave me a dirty look. I went up to the lady at the front desk and she gave me a bright smile.

"How may I help you?" She asks.

"I made an appointment to see Dr. Sky." I say.

"Are you Caroline Jhons?" She asks. A lot of people put fake names anyways.

"Yes." I answer softly.

"Okay! He'll see you in a moment." I sat down and Grayson followed me.

"Cara, have you even thought about your options?" Grayson whispers sitting in front of me.

"Like what?" I ask not looking at him.

"Giving birth to it then putting it up for adoption?" He suggests "or just leaving here and giving birth to it far away?"

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