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I woke up to my alarm next to my ear, blazing. I hesitantly turned off my alarm, getting up. I put on a simple outfit of skinny jeans and a sweater.

"Cara." My mom peaks her head through the door.

"What?" I ask with an attitude, pulling over my hoodie.

"I know you've been throwing up," she starts and sits on my bed with a bag in her hand with a small rectangular box in it. "And I know you are dating Cameron." She pulls out the box that reads 'Pregnancy Test'

"What the hell!" I yell at her grabbing the box and throwing it against my wall.

"I only want to be sure." She says with a sad face. "If you are, I will have no choice but to kick you out." She looks down at her lap.

"I'm not pregnant!" I yell. I turn away from her scrunching my fists in my hair.

"Please," she begs with a crack in her voice. "I need to know." She sniffles.

"Fine." I sigh in defeat. When she leaves I grab the bent box and go into the bathroom.


"There." I say plopping the stick onto the counter. Mom smiles and Tim comes into the kitchen.

"What's happening?" He asks. I scoff and throw the stick away into the trash. I wasn't pregnant.

"Can I go to school now?" I ask angrily.

"I'll take you!" Tim says happily.

We get into his car as he turns the car on.

"Cara," he starts but I cut him off.

"I'm not pregnant. Now let's go before I'm late." I demand. Tim sighs but starts to drive.


We pull up towards the school and herds of people are shoving in to make there way inside.

"I was going to say that you have to get use to this." Tim softly says.

"Why?" I ask not looking at him, feeling my eyes get watery.

"Because," he starts "because me and your mom are in love."

"Love isn't real." I say sadly. I wipe the tear from my eye quickly.

"Ca-" before he could say some stupid lecture I got out of the car.

When I walked down the halls people stared at me, guys smiled and checked me out, while girls laughed, pointed, and looked at me in disgust. I felt like the center of attention, as if I was a rare diamond nobody has ever seen!

"Whore!" A girl said under a cough.

I walked to my locker opening it up, papers and papers fell out. But they weren't just any pictures, they were pictures of me in between Cameron's legs. I stood back as the papers shuffled under my legs.

"Cara?" I turn to see Grayson. He tries picking up a paper but I grab it from him. "What the hell!" He says angrily but with a soft voice too, which I don't even think that was possible.

I grabbed all the papers with a blurred vision, I put them in the trash as everyone laughed and stared at me.

"What was that?" Grayson asked me following me.

"It was nothing." I say rubbing my eyes.

"Cara." He urges.

"Just go to Ava, okay!?" I yell lightly.

"Hey babe!" Cameron wraps his arm around me, I hold myself tightly trying to be away from him. Cameron grabbed a paper out of the trash and smiled. "You look sexy in this photo."

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