Fragile Like Glass:

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I woke up to Grayson and Rebecca talking to each other-

"Mom, I can't leave her here." Grayson begs.

"I'll take care of her while you're gone." She answers back.

"But she-" Grayson couldn't finish when Rebecca interrupted him.

"Get your butt out of bed and I'll take you to school." And with that I hear the door close and Grayson sigh. I felt the heat from his body leave me into cold air.

"I'll be back." I hear him whisper and kiss my cheek.

I open my eyes once everything was quiet. I sit up on the edge of the bed and stretched. I was still in Grayson's hoodie and Rebecca's shorts. I grab my phone to see I got texts and calls from Tim and Mom along with Cameron. I sigh looking at my Instagram, people calling me names, saying I should kill myself, and that I'm a whore. I lay back down and sniff some of the hoodie, it smelled amazing, forest like.


"Honey, you want to go to school?" Rebecca asks me when we sat in the kitchen together.

"Uh, sure." I say standing up.

"I'll take you home so you can change." Rebecca smiles at me and takes off her apron and grab her keys. We get into her car that smelled like pine tress and I chuckle to myself, Dad loved that smell.

I creep up the stairs and quickly change into a sweater and jeans. I brush my hair and braid it quickly. I run down the stairs and into the car leaving my phone at the house.

"Thank you Rebecca." I say as we pull up to my school.

"No problem!" She smiles, she pats my knee far away from my thigh "you can always talk to me." I nod my head and go into school seeing the halls are filled for a passing period. I hastily walk to my locker and open it up and get stuff for my third hour. I turn my head to see Grayson kissing Ava! He had his hands on her waist and Ava had her hands around his neck! I slam my locker shut and walk off rubbing my eyes not wanting to cry, I bump into a hard chest shutting my eyes tightly from the impact.

"Cara!" I hear him say. His voice scared me and I open my eyes to face an angry Cameron.

"I'm sorry." I say quickly looking down at my feet. Cameron scoffs and grabs my forearm tight enough to bruise. "I said I was sorry." I say again to Cameron. His face is angry but he gives me a hug.

"Hug back or I'm going to hit you." He whispers in my ear "baby I was so worried!" He said loud enough for people to hear. I wrap my arms around his body and turn my face so my ear is to his chest. I see Grayson looking at me in disbelief, I shut my eyes tightly not to look at him. "I'll walk you to your third hour." Cameron parts from me and puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Okay." I whisper holding onto him too.

'Fake it 'till you make it.' I thought to myself.

Cameron grabbed my hand when we were at my class, he looked around and bent down a little to look me in my eyes.

"I will beat you to shit if you ever smell like him again." His voice was threatening but his face was soft features so no one would suspect anything, my eyes widen when his grip tightened. He smirked and gave me another tight hug then left. I walked into class and sat down with no emotion on my face.


I ignored Grayson all day. I couldn't handle to look at him, he broke me. All my hope and confidence from him shattered. Everything he built in me broke like a wall falling down. He had shattered me, I was as fragile as glass and he knew but he didn't care! I thought he was different than anyone else, I thought he loved me!? I thought I loved him.

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