Worst Wedding:

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I woke up around five o' clock from the sounds of people yelling and trucks beeping

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I woke up around five o' clock from the sounds of people yelling and trucks beeping. I sat up in my black spaghetti strap and shorts. I walk down stairs quickly seeing Grayson and Cameron, both shirtless, holding a white table in the backyard and setting it down.

"Morning honey!" Mom said making me jump and turn around. She was all happy and dressed up in jeans and a pretty shirt, she held the bump of her stomach and searched for food. "You should really be careful where you hurt yourself, Cara."

"What?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows.

"All of those bruises. Do they hurt?" I look down and see bruise after bruise all over my arms and legs. My forearm has a fainted hand print of a bruise.

"No, she's fine." I heard Cameron say and wrap his arms around my upper chest from behind me.

"You boys can take showers here, I know you guys brought your tuxes." Mom smiled and left the kitchen with a whole bunch of food. Me and Cameron were left alone in the kitchen.

"How 'bout you go upstairs And change into something less revealing?" Cameron said, more like demanded. He turned me around and grabbed my jaw and forcefully made me kiss him. Grayson walked in and cleared his throat, Cameron still held onto my jaw but I moved away making him let go.

"Hey Grayson!" Cameron said angrily and patted his back roughly. Grayson looked at me up and down in disgust, I wanted to cry. Why would he do that!? "Hey, don't look at my girl like that!" Cameron yelled "she's mine." Cameron grabbed me, pressing me against his chest.

"Don't worry" Grayson started "I don't like sloppy seconds." Grayson looked me in the eye with guilt and regret. I pushed Cameron off of me and quickly went upstairs not wanting them to see me cry. I slammed my door and locked it so no one could come in. I slid onto my butt and pushed my knees to my chest.

I hesitantly got up and dried my eyes that were stained with tears. I went into my closet and picked out a red sweater and tights. I took off my clothes and got a quick glance of myself, dark bags, red eyes, thigh gap got bigger, bones pop out, and most of all bruises. The bruises were apart of my body now, they latched onto me like leaches. I hated it! I hate my appearance! I threw the mirror on the ground making it shatter. I quickly put on my clothes and went downstairs.

"What's all that noise!?" Mom asked me.

"My mirror fell." I huff angrily grabbing the trash can and broom along with a screwdriver. After I cleaned up my mess I went into my bathroom and unscrewed the mirror throwing it in the trash.

"Come on honey!" Mom yelled angrily "we have to get ready!" I slipped on the dress I bought and went out to mom she looked disgusted "no, I got you this." She throws a dress at me. I go back in my room and put on the dress she bought me (the one on top) I didn't like it, it showed too much skin and all my bruises on my back from when Cameron would fuck me. "Perfect!" Mom squeals and grabs my arm roughly and brings me into her room, she sets me down in front of a huge mirror and I look away.

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