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Mom comes into my room. I feel her presence stand behind me while I was still in bed.

"Get up." She said. It reminded me of yesterday.

"I don't want to." I whispered rolling my eyes, but she couldn't see.

"What was that?" She asked threateningly. "Tim!" She yelled, making me flinch.

"What's wrong?" He asks coming in my room.

"Look at her!" She whines like a five year old. Mom touches my neck moving my hair and I slap her hand away.

"Get out!" I yelled shoving both of the out of my room and slamming the door. I go look at my neck to see I had hickeys all up my neck. They weren't love hickeys because these were swollen, bloody looking, and teeth marks with bruises.

I lay on my bed again, sighing, looking up at the ceiling. I put my hand on my eyes.

"I hate you." I say to myself angrily.

I undress myself seeing I had bruises all over my body along with hickeys. A tear prickled my eye but I quickly swiped it away with my thumb. I turned away in shame of how weak and vulnerable I was.

"Get out here now!" She yells. I slip on a long shirt about to put on shorts when the door bursts open. Tim stands there staring at my skid knees and weak frame.

"What does she want?" I ask putting on shorts, looking out my window instead of him.

"Do you want breakfast?" He asked me awkwardly.

"No, I'm not hungry." I replied.

"She just wanted you to know you're going to school." He commented. I sighed and he left. I slipped the clothes off and put on a hoodie with tights. I looked at my body to see I had a nice sized thigh gap, maybe 5 inches?

I put on converses and did my hair. I put all my stuff I needed in my back pack. I walked downstairs and mom grabbed my hand dragging me to the car.


"I'm not going in." I replied bluntly looking at the school and swarm of people going in.

"What do you mean?" She asks turning to me.

"I. Am. Not. Going. In." I said still looking out the window. She sighed heavily and got out opening my door.

"Get out Cara." She said holding the door with her hand. I didn't answer, I just sat there. I felt a hand grab my fore-arm harshly and drag me out of the car, making me fall on the ground. Everyone stares at me and I got up wiping the blood off my hands.

"I hate you." I whispered leaving mom there stunned. I pushed past people who just stared at me as I walked passed them and into the school.

I went into the bathroom quickly and properly washed my hands. I surprisingly found gauze and wrapped my palms. I grabbed my bag and went to my locker putting books in.

"Cara!" I hear Cameron harshly say behind me grabbing my waist tightly. I squirmed uneasily in his arms. "Don't talk to him. You know what will happen!" He whispered threatened.

"I know." I whispered and grabbed my books.

"I heard about what happened with your mom." He chuckled like something was funny.

"It's not funny Cameron." I said walking a bit faster when he yanked my shoulder back.

"Don't talk to me like that!" He whisper yelled. He touched me against my thigh squeezing it hard, I moved back in pain. "Now, I'm going to kiss you and you'll love it." He said in my ear. He moved his face and crashed his lips against mine, I hesitantly put my hand on his neck, I felt him smirk in the kiss from my action, he put his hand on my waist. I turned my head a bit and opened my eyes to see Grayson looking at us in pain. I closed my eyes tightly and Cameron pushed me off of him slightly. Cameron smiled at Grayson like he's won something, I walk into class and put my stuff on my table .

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