Beat up:

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I stare up at my ceiling at six o' clock. I shut my eyes slowly and take a deep breath in. I shut my alarm off and sit up, I stretch my arm and stand up. I put on a shirt and black tights with black boots. I strand in front of my body mirror to take in all my looks.

My thigh gap has gotten bigger, darker bags under my eyes, my ribs pop out, and my bruises are all green. I pack my back pack and lay back on my bed again scrolling through my phone. More angry people have been calling me names and been making "memes" about me, they haven't gone viral yet, just a couple of people.

"Cara?" A soft knock is heard on my door.

"What?" I say and mom comes in.

"You're already dressed?" She asks surprised.

"Yes." I answer with attitude.

"Tim will give you a ride to school." She says and I mentally gag.

"Cameron's taking me." I say texting Cameron to come pick me up.

"But-" she starts but I interrupted her.

"Cameron is taking me to school." I strictly say.

"Okay." She says "don't skip school this time." Mom pleads.

"Yeah, sure." I say.

"Oh!" Mom jumps a little in excitement "its kicking!" She says happily and runs out of the room yelling at Tim to feel. I sigh standing up and going to my window to see Cameron parked in the driveway. I quickly walk down the stairs and get into Cameron's car.

"Why didn't Tim take you?" He asks driving off.

"I didn't want to be in a car with him after he's fucked my mom." I whisper.

"Ooh, feisty." Cameron chuckles.


I get out of his car and he wraps his arm around my shoulders protectively. Everyone stares at me as we walk down the halls together and I stop at my locker. Reagan looks at me in disgust the scoffs walking off.

"I got to go." Cameron says grabbing my jaw and forcefully making me kiss him. He walks off and I continue to put my stuff up in my locker.

"I guess the Whores got anorexia!" A guy yells and everyone goes into fits of laughter. I turn my head and everyone stares at me up and down. It has been a while since I've eaten, but it wasn't purposely! I just didn't ever feel hungry because I've felt sick with myself.

"Let's hope she's still good in bed." I hear the guys friend says to his group. I slam my locker shut and walk to my first hour. It felt like everyone's eyes couldn't stop from looking at me in disgust.

"Cara!" Grayson jogs up to me. I walk faster and so does he, I barge into class stumbling because Grayson grabbed me.

"Grayson Cara, would you like to explain yourselves?" The teacher asks.

"No." I say quickly.

"Cara, I know some events in your life are not the way you'd like but that was a year ago. I let some slip by, but not anymore." She says.

"Right." I sigh knowing she means my dad.

I quickly take a seat and someone coughs and says hooker in the middle of it. I sigh and start to take notes once the teacher starts to blab about stupid shit.


"Cara." Grayson comes up to me when the bell rings in first hour.

"God, can you only say my name." I say in annoyance.

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