Bound to Cameron:

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(AN: The image for HAIR the length and colors are the same on Cara.)

"Cara." Grayson shakes me awake.

"What time is it?" I ask sitting with my right leg up I scratch the top of my head and sigh. (like in the pic for hair)

"It's only five." Grayson said taking off his shirt exposing eight pack. "Do you not want me to put on a shirt?" I look up at Grayson and he chuckles.

"I have to go home." I say getting up.

"I can take you!" He says abruptly.

"Uh, sure." I say running my sore body. "Can I use your bathroom?" I ask and he nods opening a door that has a shower, toilet, and long mirror. I close the door and lift up the shirt seeing huge bruises on my body, my neck was bruised, my legs, my lip was swollen with a cut, a dark red and purple nose, and two bruised eyes. I walk out of the room and Grayson is already dressed.

"You can keep that shirt." He sad tying off his shoe.

"Okay." I say putting on my black tights and boots.

"It's pretty cold and you don't have a long sleeve." He comments.

"Yeah." I chuckle and scrape my hand through my hair. We get into his car and he starts to drive me to my house.

"Do you want me to wait for you?" Grayson asks me when we got to my house.

"No, you can go to school. I'll just have Cameron pick me up." I answer.

"Cara, he'll hurt you." Grayson grabbed my hand so I wouldn't leave.

"And if I show up with you, he'll hurt me anyways." I smile weakly and hop out of his car.

I sneak up to my room and take off all my clothes carefully. I put on a shirt and ripped jeans, I look at myself in my bathroom mirror to see I look like shit. I carefully splash water on my face and carefully dry it. Outside I hear my door neigh slammed open, I peak my head out to see Cameron.

"Cameron?" I whisper.

"Come on." He demands. "Hurry up." He whisper yells to not wake up my mom and Tim. He grabs me and forcefully makes me sit on my bed. I bite my lip to not scream in pain. He shoves the boots I wore yesterday onto my feet and drags me downstairs into his car. I scoot to the far right of the seat so he wouldn't touch me.

"After school you are coming back to my place!" Cameron yells, which there was no need.

"My mom needs-" I couldn't finish when he yelled again.

"I'm sorry I can't hear you!" He yells looking at me. "Did I say you can have a say in what YOU want!?" I flinch at how loud he was yelling. "Now, what are you going to do after school!?"

"I'm going to come over." I say quietly. He smiles and pats my thigh.

"Good girl." He says putting his hand back on the steering wheel.


I walk the halls as Cameron started to flirt with a cheer leader and I just walked off. I open my locker and a note falls out, I open it up and see just awful words written. I throw it away and the group of cheerleaders laugh.

"Whore." The cheer captain pushes me into my locker. Pain surges through my body from being beaten yesterday. I grab out my book I needed and went to class. I carefully sit down trying to hurt myself by doing a simple task.

"Hey!" Grayson sits next to me with a smile on his face. I didn't know if I should ignore him? He helped me yesterday, but Cameron would hurt me! I sadly ignored him and saw him frown. "Cara, don't tell me you're going to ignore me again?" He sadly said.

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