Fist Fight:

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(AN: the pants on Cara's outfit is suppose to be long skinny jeans)

ALSO: There are some trigger warnings and attempts of things also rape!!!


I finally got to go home today! It's been a week already and Doc told me I didn't have to go to school until my body feels better.  After I was done packing, and just going to walk, I turn around and see Grayson with a big smile on his face.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"I'm here to bring you home and to take care of you for a couple of hours and then I'll go home."  He answers

"Thanks, but I can take care of myself." I grab my bag swinging it over my shoulder. Cameron hasn't visited me after Grayson talked to me but I'm not complaining.

"I know." Grayson grabs my bag from me and I push myself onward so he wouldn't touch my shoulder, Cameron would always grip my shoulder to have more strength to push into me.

"Okay." I say lowly not looking at him but at my feet. I think Grayson noticed because he randomly gave me an awkward hug, I didn't hug back but I just put my hands above his hips. I wanted to push him off of me but my body didn't cooperate.

"Are you ready Cara?" The doc asks and I part from Grayson's right but calming hold.

I clear my throat real quick then answer yes.

"Great!" Doc smiles. "I hope you get better Cara." He tries to pat me but I quickly move away thinking he'd hit me.

"Sorry, I thought I saw a bug." I say quickly and speed walk away from doc Grayson catches up with me and opens my door up for me. I get in his black SUV, he puts my bag in the back and gets into the car.

"You wanna come to my house instead of yours?" He asks, I'm a bit hesitant to answer "he can't hurt you" he looks me in the eye "not after today." He whispers to himself.

"Is Rebecca there?" I ask and he nods and smiles "okay." I say softly. Once we get to his house he opens my door for everything.

"Are you hungry?" He asks me.

"No." I say and walk with him into the kitchen seeing Rebecca drinking coffee and reading a book, when she looks up at me her eyes light up.

"Cara!" She smiles standing up and carefully gives me hug.

"Hi Rebecca." I sniff in her wonderful strawberry sent.

"How are you?" She asks taking a look at me with bright eyes.

"Yeah, how are you?" I ask quickly.

"Better that you are out of the hospital." She tilts her head a little.

"Right." Grayson clears his throat.

"When are you going back to school?" Rebecca asks, I shrug my shoulders.

"I don't really know." I answer.

"Let's all sit!" Rebecca grabs Grayson and we both sit next to each other because Rebecca forced us. Rebecca sat in front of us and started to blather about how the whole week has been "and Grayson um-" she couldn't finish when he interrupted her.

"Yes mom. Cara just came back and I don't want to overwhelm her."

"Right." Rebecca nods her head with a smile.

"I can handle things." I say quickly "I'm not that weak."

"Come on Cara, I want to talk to you alone." Grayson stands and starts to jog up stairs, I hesitate to go but Rebecca gives me a nod. I go upstairs into his room, he sat on his bed and I sat in this little one-seater chair he had. Grayson had this weird look on his face when I felt something under my butt, I got up and grabbed the piece of clothing that was a B cup bra.

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