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(AN: if you haven't seen the chapter name, it is now two months later. Also meaning that the photo is the two month old baby)

After me and Mom got into a big fight I had started to pack some clothes. I went to stay with Rebecca and Grayson. The next day I had court and they hadn't pleaded him anything, still! I have court tomorrow and Rebecca and Grayson have went to everyone to support me, especially since I have a baby and my emotions are very strong. I have visited Mom once and baby sat the twins, sometimes I saw her during the court but she always left early because the twins would cry.

Seeing Cameron in his orange, jail, jumpsuit at court made me feel a bit happy and a bit of pity. He has been able to be outside of jail, but has an ankle monitor meaning he can only go certain places. Grayson and Rebecca both have been very kind to me, giving me a home, support, attention, and love that helps me and my baby. Of course I've been seeing doctors and they said that my baby is healthy. One thing happened where I passed out, my blood sugar levels and stress were high, when we got home Grayson put me on bed rest for a week.

"Cara wake up." I open my eyes to sunlight shining in my face, Grayson pops up in my face and smiles "wake up! We have an appointment and then we have court!" I sigh heavily.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"It's time to get up." Grayson chuckled.

"Fine." I say sitting up holding onto my stomach. I grab a black spaghetti strap and grey oversized joggers. I try to put in my black converses when Grayson grabbed my shoe for me.

"I don't want you to hurt that poor baby." Grayson pats my stomach softly. I chuckle and he slips on my shoe.

"My stomach isn't even that big yet!?" I yell.

"It doesn't matter." Grayson chuckles putting his thumb on my chin and kissing my cheek. "Lets go." Grayson grabs my hands and brings me up.

"Morning son! Morning Cara!" Rebecca says in the kitchen handing me a plastic cup filled with different varieties of fruit.

"Thanks Rebecca!" I give her a hug and she hands Grayson toast.

News has spread about me and Cameron's incident and now people from school pity me, news people follow me around, and people interview me. I told them simply that 'any woman or man is going through the same thing, the only difference is a man can't get pregnant but they can be abused.'

Grayson opened my door to the car and I hopped into his SUV. He jogged over to his side of the car and turned on the ac.

"Are you nervous?" Grayson asked patting my knee as he kept his eye on the road.

"Yes." I say truthfully "what if they plead him not guilty!?" I said scared. I set my hand on my stomach and looked down at it. I'm scared for me and my child's safety.

"I'll protect you no matter what!" Grayson smiled at me and pushed back some of my hair.

"Do you ever regret not marrying Emma?" I ask after a few moment of silence.

"Honestly? No. Not at all. You were right, I shouldn't marry someone who I've barely known!" He gives me another smile and fixes his eyes on the road.

"Oh." Is all I say when the car stops in front of the clinic. I sigh heavily, we both walk in and we go to the front desk. The nurse always remembers me, every time I come in she smiles.

"Hello, Cara! Hello, Grayson!" She greets us with her usual smile.

"Hey, Betty!" Grayson and I say together.

"Here's your paperwork, Hun!" She hands me a folder and I gently grab it from her. In the folder I found my last ultra-sound and the doctors notes.

"Do you know the sex?" Grayson asked next to me.

"We will today!" I say excitedly and hold my stomach.

"I think it'll be a girl!" Grayson smirks looking at his lap, I playfully hit his shoulder.

"I want a boy. They're easy." I reply.

"You want to grab something to eat after this?" Grayson asks and I nod happily. "There's a diner a couple blocks down, we can go there." Grayson suggested.

"Yeah, sure." I answered right when my name was called. We both stand up but the nurse stops us.

"Only family and the father of the child can go in. Is he any of what I listed?" She asks.

"He's family!" I state happily.

"Okay, come right in!" She opens the door for us to come in. "Room number four, sweets." She says and we both walk into a spacious, cold, room. I sit on the bed and Grayson stands next to me, holding my hand. Soon the doc comes in with a big smile.

"Hello, Cara! How are you?" Doc shakes my hand.

"I'm doing good! How are you?" I ask and doc shakes Grayson's hand.

"I'm doing good! Anyways, do you want to know the gender? Or keep it as a surprise?" He asks.

"We want to know!" I say excitedly.

"I don't! I want it to be a surprise!" Grayson says.

"Okay, Grayson, I'll just tell Cara." Doc chuckles and I pull up my tank top a bit. Doc starts to rub jelly against my stomach. "Well, your baby is healthy!" Doc gives me a card smiling. "Here's her sex."


Me and Grayson made our way to the diner he was talking about earlier. We both ordered a salad and a strawberry smoothie. Grayson told me I have to eat healthy for my baby.

"Did you look at the gender yet?" He asked when we were done eating. He opened the door to my side of the car and I got in.

"I'll look now." I say smiling and so does Grayson. As we start to drive I cautiously open the card to reveal its gender. "I'm going to spoil it so much!" I cheered.

"We all know that." Grayson chuckled.



I walk down stairs at eight o' clock. I haven't seen Cara nor my mom! They left around six saying they had to do "girl business!" I walk down the stairs seeing everything covered in dark colors with party things. I walk into the kitchen filled with black and blue balloons.

"Surprise!" Mom and Cara smiled covering me with blue slime.

"It's a boy!?" I smile and carefully hug Cara and mom. They had everything blue. Blue drinks, blue plates, blue shirts, blue cake!

After eating normal food and eating cake me and Cara went up to our room.

"It's a boy." I whisper happily to myself, shaking my head.

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