Its So Hard:

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/AN: The pics are pretty self explanatory. On the joggers if you want to go by what I want, which is make them more baggy, you can or not./

At first, when I figured out Gray had told Rebecca about Cameron, I was a little mad. I was mad until I heard that gray and her went through the same struggle. I wanted to all to her, but I didn't want to be a burden to her. My door barges open and Cameron walks in, he goes straight to my closet picking out my clothes.

"I'm not wearing this shirt Cameron." I say softly handing it back to him.

"Did I say you have a choice?" He seemed angry. When is he not?

"Is this how it's going to be?" I ask "you choosing my outfits and choosing everything for me." I clarify my question. He gets in front of my face and grabs my neck tightly, I fall to my knees, my eyes start to give up as I gasp for air. He let's go and I fall to the floor all the way, gasping and gasping for air.

"I know you've been hanging around Grayson." Cameron gets on top of me, his weight pressing down on my hurt ribs: I pound on his chest but he grabs my wrists. "I thought I thought you yesterday?" He yells "don't worry. You're family isn't here."

"Please." I beg Cameron his weight makes the sound of cracks and the wind blown out of me. Cameron gets off of me and I spit up blood. I gasp jaggedly holding my chest.

"We're not going to the hospital if you have a broken rib, I wouldn't know how to explain." He rustles his hair and grabs my hand forcing me up. I have no choice but to lean on him as I wheeze. He strikes my hair roughly and I try so hard not to cry, how helpless I probably looked. Cameron takes off my sweatshirt, revealing my boobs, he puts on a bra and pulls over my shirt.

"Lay down." He demands me, pointing to my bed. I lay down carefully not to hurt anything else, he takes off my pants and his eyes rake my legs. He puts on my sweatpants and throws me a jacket. "Come on." He grabs me and pain surfaces my lungs and ribs.

He halfway throws me in his car and goes to his side. I put on my hoodie, over my shirt. We sit in silence until he starts to talk.

"I thought I told you to stay away from Grayson!" He yells making me jump a little.

"We only talk a little." I whisper in defense.

"Only talk?" He yells "stop lying, you whore!" He shouts.

"Yes, we've only talked." I answer, he takes a quick glance at me and scoffs.

"You're such a lying bitch." He shakes his head in dismay. Suddenly pain flows up my torso, he had hit me in my stomach with his fist. I bend over in pain, holding my stomach. "Look what you made me do!"

I bend forward holding my stomach in pain. I cough from the sudden blow, trying to hold in the feeling of wanting to throw up all over Cameron's car.

"God you're weak!" He grabs my shoulder making me lean back onto the car chair. The car stops and we're finally at school, the ride seemed longer than usual, Cameron gets out and I do too. "Don't talk to him, you're MINE!" He points to himself pushing me up against his car. "Only MINE!" He grabs my jaw and kisses me roughly "don't do anything stupid." He threatened pushing me back, making me hit his car.

I walk into school with people's eyes on me. People whispering, people laughing, people giving me dirty looks. It's a constant reminder that no one likes me, not even me. I get to my locker and Grayson leans against the locker next to me.

"We can't talk." I whisper not looking at Grayson.

"Don't tell me it's because of him." Grayson scoffs when I don't answer. "You can't be serious, Cara?" He gets off from the lockers.

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