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*A/N: This part is only my previous two books put together, the story about the ancestors of the main characters here. I wrote it like this so you don't have to read the previous two books in order to understand this one. But you can read them if you want to. I don't mind. This is also the introduction of Elois and Sebastian aka main characters.

AND please, if the Prologue is too confusing. Please, just skip to the chapter 1 and read from there.*

Kali Sinclair was the most evil and the most powerful Alpha that her pack has seeen. She was ready to do anything at all to protect them. She was ready to kill anyone for them, even children. Her Beta was the most loyal person she has ever met. So, one day when another pack came to hers in order to make a plan about how to defend their lands and packs from the rogues that were coming their way, she didn't expect to meet her mate that day.

As she walked towards the borders she could smell him and she imediatelly knew who he was to her but she didn't care. Why? Well, Kali was powerfull but she got possessed by the evil spirit, he possessed her body since birth. He was silently inside her mind through 25 years of her life until the day when she stabbed her Beta. Then the evil spirit called Darach came to the surface and took control over her body. He did terible things and soon the pack realized that something was indeed wrong with their Alpha.

And soon they found out what was going on but they did nothing to help her, because they were so sure that she would get back her control. But sometimes even the greatest of us all has to fall. So when she met her mate she didn't care at all. A lot of things has happened before she regained back control after such a long time. However, even when she did regain control not much has changed, except that she treated her pack members better. She still didn't want to accept her mate.

And then a few days, weeks later an enormous battle began. A battle they have been waiting for. A battle against rogues that killed her parents when she was only 10 years old. But in the battle, the man she trully loved died. And in that grief and pain she killed all of the rogues using her special abilities. She evolved. She was called a Demonic Alpha.

After she killed them all, she compelled the other pack to leave that place, to forget everything since their meeting and to never come back. She even compelled her mate for she knew that she could never love him the way he loved her. She could never love anyone the way she loved Jordan. And a month has passed and Kali was still mourning her lover's death. That was until she found out that her sister and her Beta's mate were alive and imprisoned under a Nemeton.

She and her Beta travelled a long way to the Nemeton to save her sister. They were trying to unchain her from the wall under the Nemeton when a familiar voice was heard. Derek didn't leave that day when she compelled them. For some still unfamiliar reason the compulsion didn't work on him. Derek wanted revenge for her rejecting him. He wanted to forcefully mark her sister and with that cause both, Kali and Simon (her Beta) to be in pain. But Eva wasn't weak either. She fought back and she was close to killing him but not before he stabbed Kali.

Eva killed Derek but she couldn't succeed at saving her sister and Kali couldn't heal for Nemeton is the only place where hybrids like her were voulnerable. And that is how the great Demonic Alpha died and her daughter was brought to Earth to create much bigger havoc. Her name was Rayna Cruz and she hated her mother with passion. Simon and Eva did not raise her the way Kali told them to. They destroyed her daughter and made her go insane. Rayna killed her mate.

And did many terrible things before Elijah Smith came and confessed her his love. No, they were not in love, he just cared about her and he has mistaken that for love.

Little did he know that his soulmate was yet to come. And then Kali gave her pack a prophecy that destroyed Rayna to the core. She died giving birth to her daughter, Rebell Sinclair.

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