Chapter 18: The cure for Gehenna, the Wicked Beast

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Right next morning when the pack had breakfast and after their four hour training sesion, Elois, Sebastian, Enfys and Astrid went to the dungeons. Astrid still had her two swords attached on her hip with her hands over them, ready to use it any time now. Elois walked into the hallway with at least ten dungeons on each side and walked until the dungeon number 6. Damien sat there and as soon as he saw them infront of the dungeon he got up. He stood there, in the middle of his dungeon, waiting for someone to ask him something. He didn't expect Elois to open the dungeon doors and walk in. Elois now stood just two steps away from Damien with the rest of his 'gang' behind him. It took Damien all of his strength to look away from Astrid.

"Why are you really here?" Elois asked him in his Alpha voice and Damien was sure that if he was in his pack he would be bowing down to him by now. But Damien bowed down to only one person in his life and that person is no longer here. Damien was a 900 years old vampire and the only person he would ever bow down to was the original vampire who just happens to be dead now. No, it wasn't Elijah nor was it Kaleb. The very original he would bow down to was Kaleen Smithson, 1900 years old vampire. Who was murdered ruthlessly by the one who created him; original witch.

"What I said before was truth. I am here to help. I can stop Gehenna, I just need your help in finding the other part of the cure. I tried to, but I never suceeded." Damien said with no trace of any lie in his voice. Astrid was now looking at him even more suspicious. She never, ever, trusted someone new. And sometimes she should for sometimes the person right infront of you might be the one you've been looking for.

"Okay, fine. We know that she is doing this because she was in love with the Shadow and he betrayed her, so she wants him dead. We know that falling in love was her sinn and the reason as to why was she banished from hell, but tell us one thing. What cure are we supposed to find?" Elois asked him and Damien arched an eyebrow before he looked at Enfys and then he remembered everything. The lies Gehenna and he told Enfys. Damien shook his head before speaking again.

"That is not how it happened. We told that to Enfys, but it was a lie. She never fell in love, that is not the reason as to why was she banished. She was known as Lucifers' Soldier, the most trusted demon of his. Until they found out that she is half an angel and that her mother slept with an angel only for her to be born. She gave birth to Gehenna, so that she could be the weapon to defeat the Devil himself. But once Gehenna became his Soldier, her mother confessed everything. And since then Gehenna was the one that was tortured. The Shadow was the one who tortured her. He drove her insane. Then, the Devil found a better solution for her. And he banished her to Earth without the ability to return to hell. However, no one can kill her. But the Shadow is the one who had the chains that could weaken her powers and for the last 23 years she has been in those chains, burried underground, without the ability to get out. Imagine being under water without the ability to come to the surface. You are constantly suffocating. And now, because of those chains she is 100% insane. She will stop at nothing before she kills us all. Yes, me too. For I am helping you, not her. She was going to kill the Shadow, but you did it instead." Damien said slowly, looking each of them in the eyes in order for all that information to sink in. Gehenna wasn't always like this. Enfys stood there pretty shocked that they'd lie to him.

"Okay, fine. Even if we believed you are telling the truth, why should we care about her history? You still didn't tell us what kind of cure are we searching for and what for." Sebastian suddenly said as he stood beside Elois. Everyone waited for his answer in anticipation.

"Because in order for you to understand why I did what I did, you need to know her story. You need to know what really happened." Damien said and this time it was Enfys who spoke as his eyes glowed with all of the colors a little. His wolf was pissed and so was he.

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