Chapter 10: The punishment for Betrayal is high!

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Elois woke up in the arms of Sebastian. Sebastian didn't move even an inch in fear to wake up his little vampire. Elois needed sleep and Sebastian wasn't going to take it away from him. When Elois woke up it took him a few minutes to get Sebastian's arms off of him. Then, he went to the toilet, brushed his teeth and put on some clothes before heading out of the room, leaving Sebastian to sleep. He went to the kitchen and ate his breakfast and just as he was about to leave to the dungeons a voice stopped him. Elois turned around and he came face to face with Kaleb himself. Kaleb was Elijah's brother and right now his brother was about to go to the trial.

"I know he is your brother, but if you've come to ask me to spare his life, you've come to the wrong person." Elois said and Kaleb laughed and for a moment there Elois could see Kaleb from the stories he heard about him, but soon he turned all serious. Kaleb was not the same person anymore, but his past was dark enough to turn off the light of the whole world.

"I didn't come to plead for his life. I have been alive enough to know that people need to pay for their mistakes. The reason why I am here is simple though, I am coming with you to the dungeons." Kaleb said and Elois only sighed as he told him to follow him. They went down to the basement where two guards stood infront of one doors. As soon as they saw Elois and Kaleb they bowed in respect and opened doors for them. Elois wasn't a werewolf. He couldn't mind link them, but it was pretty obvious where they were going. They went inside and walked for about ten more seconds before stopping infront of the last dungeon. As soon as Elijah smelled them, he got up and walked to the bars.

"Why did you do it? You know what we swore thousand years ago. We would never betray each other and with you betraying Barin, you betrayed me too." Kaleb simply said and Elijah just shook his head before taking the bars in his hands but right after that he let go of the bars and looked at his burned hands. Sebastian's spell was still in those bars and the spell was pretty powerful.

"Barin is the reason Rebell died. She died protecting him. The love of my life died protecting him. And now I want him dead as well. I can't stand looking at his face ever again and having to pretend that I don't completely despise him." Elijah said with such hatred and disgust in his voice and in his eyes. At least, now Elois knew why was his father acting so different to him as he was a kid. Now, he understood why did he abuse him as a kid. Now, he understood everything.

"You can't really believe that Rebell would want this? She dragged me out of hell, Elijah. She literally went to hell to drag me out of it. She protected her child. Do you really think that she would want you to kill your son?" Kaleb said and Elois looked at Kaleb in shock at hearing the news about his mother and hell. She was strong and powerfull enough to go to hell and drag Kaleb out of it. And yet she wasn't powerfull enough to defeat the Shadow. Or maybe she simply knew all along what would happen once she killed him?

"That's the thing, brother. She isn't here and I can't know what she would want and it is all because of him. Stupid child I never wanted in the first place. I only accepted him, because Rebell wanted him." Elijah said and looked at Elois in disgust and now, Elois returned the look. He was disgusted to even call this man his dad, his family.

"And I am disgusted to call you a family. You are not a part of my family anymore and whatever Barin decides to do with you, I agree and approve it." Kaleb said as he backed away from the cell two stepps. Elijah looked at him in surprise but lowered his stare to the ground. He really has lost everything now. But like Elois said, he could have had a son if he wanted him.

"You have right to decide what kind of trial you want. Do you want to be trialled for threason and betrayal in front of the judges and me or do you want to have a trial by combat?" Elois asked with ice lacing his tone. Such an irony when everything in Elois burned. His soul burned. His mind burned and his skin was starting to burn as well.

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