Chapter 22: All the good things have to end!

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Few days have passed since the incident with Gehenna and the cure. Few days have passed and she was still in the infirmary, sleeping, without any sign of her waking up soon. She was powerfull, but that didn't stop her from experiencing the same pain she felt when she was tortured in hell. 1990 years of torture in hell came back all at once.

And she didn't even do anything wrong. However, Lucifer saw her as a threat and he wanted her to suffer. And she did. She surely did. Enfys was with Gehenna in the infirmary, every day, only leaving the room to go shower and then he'd be back in the infirmary.

In the meantime, Elois and Sebastian were in their office, talking with Astrid and Damien. Kali and Clary were away. They took a break from all of this and Elois didn't stop them from taking a vacation. However, he didn't tell them that the Hunters are coming again either. He knew that if he told them, they'd stay.

He was willing to do whatever was neccessary to protect the only parents he had in his life. He never knew his mother and he still ached for her, he always will, but Clary was the closest thing to a mother he had. And Kaleb was there to give him advices to stay strong no matter what, and to help him out with anyting.

Kaleb was the person who Elois saw as his father. Kaleb was better father figure, even without ever having kids, than Elijah ever was. And in that moment, Elois couldn't help but remember his real father, Elijah Smith. He was a terrible person and he betrayed them all, but was the right punishment death? Or could that be avoided? Elois knew why he did what he did and that made him promise to himself never to loose control again. He will never again act like a Sinclair.

Even after he met her, no matter what speech Kali gave him, Elois will forever see her as a ruthless Alpha who could have solved all of her problems without killing everyone who gets in her way.

"Astrid, from now on you will train the pack. I, unfortunately can't do it any longer for I have to deal with other things. So, I am naming you the pack trainer, Astrid Hecate Haad." Elois said and she looked at him surprised. She even stopped cleaning her sword and sat up straight as she waited for him to tell her that he was just joking.

"Are you serious? Barin, I get that you can't train your pack right now. But I am not the best choice for this. My wolf can't fight, only I can, with swords. How am I supposed to train their wolves?" Astrid asked him as she put her sword beside her and looked Elois in the eyes. Elois was person who she saw as her brother, but he was also her Alpha. And she had to obey to him.

"That's why you will have Damien with you. I want the two of you to train the pack, together. And make one wrong move, Damien, and I will rip you to pieces." Elois said and Damien just nodded his head, obeying to him. Few years ago, he would fight Elois and say something among the lines 'You are not my Alpha' or 'I do not obey to you', but right now he was going to take any chance he got to be next to Astrid. She sighed as she looked up from the floor, to Damien and then to Elois.

"Barin, you are my best friend and I love you, but let me ask you one thing. Are you insane?" She asked making Elois make a face that basically told you he didn't like the way Astrid talked to him.

"You want a wolf who only knows how to work with swords and a vampire that we considered an enemy for a long time, to train the pack?" She asked him and Elois sighed while he massaged his temples. Sebastian knew what was going on, Elois had a headache. Sebastian put his hand on Eloiss' temple and red light came out of his fingers before Elois looked up at Sebastian and smiled as he said 'thank you.'

"I know that you disagree with me, Astrid, but I trust you to train the pack." Elois said as he looked up at Astrid, hoping that she'd finally just give in and listen to him, but even when she was a Purple Wolf, Astrid was defiant.

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