Chapter 20: I was ruthless, because I had to be!

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The following day they did as they planned. They worked fast and hard as they went deep into the woods where the pack can't see what they are about to do. Sebastian, Elois, Enfys, Damien and Astrid walked towards the perfect spot for summoning someone as powerfull as Kali. Astrid didn't come without her knives and swords. And Damien couldn't help but feel bad knowing that it was his fault that Astrid had to carry that much weapons right now.

He was still in cuffs, the cuffs which Sebastian made. Elois and Sebastian made a deal. They weren't going to let Gehenna die, not when they can help her. Enfys deserved that much. Clary and Kaleb stayed at home for someone had to protect the pack while they were away.

And as they came to the perfect spot, the spot where no one would find them, Elois dropped the ingredients for the spell onto the floor and Sebastian started working. First, he drew the pentagram with salt and then he walked towards Elois with the knife and a bowl. Elois understood what he needed and he took the knife from him and he cut his palm. He let the blood go into the bowl until his wound healed.

Sebastian felt incredibly bad for having to do that, but it was needed. In order for them to talk with Kali, they need the blood from someone from her blood-line. And the last living Sinclair is Elois. Sebastian put the bowl beside the pentagram and he put both of his hands infront of himself as he started chanting. Sebastian stood with his back turned to them and the rest of them waited in expectation.

"Sanguinem sanguini vocabitur." Sebastian said and his palms became red and the blood from the bowl started floathing in the air and then it settled itself in the middle of the pentagram. Astrid stood beside Damien with the knife in her hand, ready to attack any time.

"Et mortuos veniet cum nomen dicitur." Sebastian said the sentence that basically meant that the dead will come when their name is called. And the pentagram was set on fire and the ground started shacking. Elois looked at Sebastian as if questioning if he was okay, but once he saw that he is fine, he calmed down a little bit.

"Hui magna Kali, meum et vocavi te in tempore opportuno." Sebastian said the last sentence as he called upon the Great Kali and in that moment the thunder was heard and in the middle of the pentagram started showing up the woman. However, the woman stood with her back turned to them. Her long black hair looked as if it was guarding her from everything. It looked like her shield. She looked up at the sky and then she looked around. As soon as she saw the familiar trees she turned around and Enfys gasped.

It was her, Kali. The Greatest Warrior the World has ever seen, his best friend. The friend he couldn't save. She looked at the man that stood infront of her and she sniffed the air.

"Sebastian Saga Apollyon." She said as she smirked and looked back up the sky. She was about to make a step when she realized that she couldn't. She looked at the floor and once she saw that she is in pentagram she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Then, she looked at Elois and smirked one more time.

"Barin Sinclair. Nice to finally meet you." She said and Elois growled lowly as she said his last name. Elois was confused. He didn't know if he should accept the name Sinclair or Smith. He thought that both of them were equally bad. Enfys still stood infront of Astrid, not moving an inch. She hasn't changed at all. And just when Elois was about to say that he is not the Sinclair, she interuppted him.

"You ARE a Sinclair. You always will be. No matter if you accept it or not. I can see the same fire in your eyes that I had. You wish to protect your pack no matter the cost, just like I did." She said and Elois growled one more time as he now stood infront her, beside Sebastian. Sebastian had to take him by his arm so that he wouldn't cross the pentagram. Terrible things would happen if he did cross it.

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