Chapter 11: Bloody Phoenix Transformation!

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They stood there, that's all they could do at the moment. Elois was no longer screaming, he appeared to be calm now. However, he hasn't opened his eyes since that moment. He has been sitting on the floor with Sebastian sitting infront of him. Elois suddenly stiffened as his skin started heating up again but he squeezed his fists shut and his skin cooled down. Elois didn't want to shift. He didn't want to become the Bloody Phoenix, but sooner or later he will have to shift.

"I don't understand. I've been holding this back for two months now, why is it hard now?" Elois asked as he looked up and slowly opened his eyes only to see Sebastian sitting right infront of him with Enfys and Astrid standing right behind him.

"You started shifting two months ago? And you stopped it? Why?" Sebastian asked confused as Elois looked him in the eyes and slowly shook his head as he took in a deep breath in order to calm himself down.

"I don't want to be Bloody Phoenix. I don't wannt to be the Phoenix. I don't want to shift." Elois said as he squeezed his fists shut again. He bent down on the floor as he started shacking and the bones in his back started moving again.

"I understand that, Elois. Trust me, I do. I don't want to be the King either, but I am. And I am telling you, it gets better. You can let go now. We will be right here." Sebastian said and as soon as he saw Elois nod his head, he backed away a little bit along with Enfys and Astrid. And soon Elois did what he was told to do, he opened his palms and he let go. His skin started becoming red from how warm he felt. And soon he started breathing faster and then he felt his skin on the back open. That was the moment that killed Sebastian. Hearing his soulmate scream in pain killed him. Then he remembered that he had a spell to help him. He raised both of his hands towards Elois and started chanting.

"Teneat potestatem. Proptem dolorem." Sebastian kept repeating over and over again and soon an almost invisible balloon formed itself around Elois. His screaming became just growling and as long as Sebastian was repeating the words, Elois's transformation couldn't harm anyone. Then, Eloi's skin on the back cracked open even more, from his shoulders to the bottom of his back. His back started bleeding on his red skin. And the sky opened as the lightnings started striking everywhere. Elois looked up and as soon as his eyes opened they all gasped. His eyes were fire-like, you could literally see fire inside of them. He opened his mouth as he released another scream and they could see his vampire fangs coming out and the veins around his eyes became visible.

Just as Elois got up and was calming down a bit, he started screaming again in pure agony as just the tip of the wings came out of his back. Enfys watched with straight face but inside he was falling apart. What good brought him his powers if he couldn't help people in pain? Astrid watched as she cried. She usually helped Elois when he lost control, but this was different. She was unable to help her friend, her brother and it killed her to see him in soo much pain. And then there stood Sebastian with his hands infront of him as he kep chanting the words in latin. He was Elois's soulmate and only Enfys knew how it felt to watch your soulmate in pain without power to help them, but Sebastian still stood there, protecting them all from possible catastrophe that Elois could cause right now. Intentionally or not.

A few minutes have passed and only then did Elois start screaming without stopping. His wings continued coming out and out and out. And they were enormous and bloody. And as soon as they got out of his back Elois fell back to his knees. But Sebastian didn't stop saying the spell and just when Astrid was about to tell him that it's okay, that he can stop now, Elois screamed in agony as he stood back up and his whole body caught on fire. His hands, his wings, his hair, his face, everything was on fire. Elois screamed and screamed until his body turned from blood and meat to ash. Then, Sebastian stopped saying the spell and dropped onto his knees as he started crying over Elois's ashes. Astrid looked in complete and utter shock as Enfys came and sat beside Sebastian.

"It's okay. This is the part of his shift. He will come back. You just have to believe in him." Enfys said as he put his hand on Sebastian's shoulder. Sebastian nodded his head. He knew this, but that didn't stop him from crying for Elois. All three of them sat there until Astrid got up and went to the pack house to get something for Elois. After all, once he returns he will have no clothes. Enfys and Sebastian sat there for thirty minutes, no talking, just staring at the ashes. And as soon as Astrid appeared and sat beside them the ashes started moving.

They all stood up in that exact moment. The ashes started moving and going up in the air as they moved in the circle, as they were forming a body. And soon after that there stood Elois, alive and fine. But as soon as the ashes formed him, he fell to his knees. Sebastian took the clothes from Astrid and went over to Elois. He gave him the clothes which he gladly put on. Elois then took a deep breath as he looked at Sebastian. Surprisingly, Elois's wings were gone. But then again, they were supposed to appear only when he fully shifts.

"How are you feeling? Are you in pain?" Sebastian asked and Elois just shook his head. It was safe to say that this was the weirdest experience Elois has ever had. Soon after that Astrid came to him and hugged him. She sobbed a little bit and Elois just hugged her back. He hated hugging anyone else but Sebastian, but right now Astrid needed this.

"I thought I lost you, brother." She said as she hugged him tighter. Few minutes later she backed away and helped him get to his feet. He made an expression as he was getting up, because of the pain in the back. He just came back from the dead and his healing power was a lot slower. Astrid and Enfys walked away and they left Sebastian and Elois all alone now. Elois made an attempt to walk, but he gasped as his wounds re-opened and he colapsed onto his knees. Sebastian came to him and pulled off Elois's shirt in order to see his two wounds. He was surprised when he saw that his wounds didn't even start healing.

"Ad sanandum vulnus." Sebastian repeated and soon after that Elois's wounds healed and Elois sighed in relief, but he was still sitting on the floor. Sebastian walked to him and sat infront on Elois. Sebastian checked for any more wounds to heal, but other than those two on the back he had no wounds.

"Are you okay?" Sebastian asked afraid that Elois may pass out, but he didn't appear to be weak. However, Elois just kept looking at Sebastian as he nodded his head. Sebastian sighed in relief. Elois kept looking from Sebastian's eyes to his lips and back and so on and on. He was nervous, incredibly nervous for some reason. Soon Elois licked his lips and leaned in and kissed Sebastian, on the lips. Sebastian was shocked but he soon returned the kiss. Elois didn't want to let go of Sebastian and just kissing him felt as if he was high on something. Sebastian was Elois's drug and he finally admitted that to himself. As soon as they parted Sebastian smirked.

"What was that for?" Sebastian asked Elois who looked like he couldn't believe what he just did. He finally got the courage and did what he wanted to do since the moment he met Sebastian.

"Thanks for helping me." Elois said with a huge smile on his face as Sebastian laughed. For the first time since the moment they met Elois felt free to do or say what he wanted. For the first time in two whole years since they met, Elois felt free.

"Well, I may just help you more from now on if you will thank me like this." Sebastian said and that earned him a pure and innocent laugh from Elois. He liked the sound of Elois smiling and he swore to himself that he will make him smile much more, as soon as they are done with two wars to come.

The Battle of Immortals and second war: Evil Returns. For Gehenna will return.

They all made the decision to kill the Shadow and then to kill Gehenna as well. They will find a way to do so. And it was a dumb decision to make, but they did it anyways. Elois wasn't going to force Sebastian to be the King if he didn't want to, only because that could stop them from killing the Shadow.

***I really hope that you like it so far, if anyone is even reading this.




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