Chapter 12: Let them come and let them burn.

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One whole day has passed. It was a morning now and Elois was still laying in his room. He wasn't going to get up, not at all. And no, he didn't regret what he did, he didn't regret kissing Sebastian. There was the other reason as to why was he still in his room. And the reason wasn't pretty. He laid on his back and stared at the ceiling thinking about his shift. He remembers how he felt through the shift and he felt tears go down his face. He deleted them and got up and walked to the window.

Elois stood there, watching as the pack children ran around with happy faces. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath as he went to the closet and changed his clothes. Then, he walked out the doors. He didn't know what to say, but he needed to have a pack meeting. They needed to know what happened and they needed to know that the War is about to begin. He went down the kitchen and there he saw Enfys, Elijah, Clary and Sebastian sitting and talking. As soon as he walked through the kitchen doors the silence followed him. He made a sandwich and ate it. Once he was done he said one thing.

"I need to have a pack meeting. Today." He said as he walked out of the kitchen and walked to his office. He sat down on his chair next to his desk and sighed as he continued looking at his pack members. They were all happy and he felt sad knowing what is yet to come. Soon, Sebastian came through those doors while telling him that the pack is gathering in the living room.

"Are you sure that you can do this?" Sebastian asked him as he looked him straight in his eyes. Elois sighed as he nodded his head and got up from his chair. He walked down the living room with Sebastian right behind him. Elois soon put back on his emotionless face as he waited for everyone in the room to stop talking.

"I have gathered you here today for a reason. I punished the man who betrayed us all. But....last night something happened. I shifted. I became who I was told I am meant to be. And with my shift great horrors are coming. The Demon I told you about is coming our way and the War is about to begin. And the worst is, that with killing the Demon the war will not end. " Elois said and everyone started either discusing the news with one another or they looked completely shocked at him, even though Elois told them that this will happen. They didn't expect him to shift this soon and they didn't expect the fight to come this fast. But then again, Elois was 23 years old now and the Shadow Demon said that he will come for him once he becomes of age.

"The Darach has returned." Mr Schmidt said and Elois looked at him confused. At first he thought that the man didn't know what he was talking about, until he realised that he heard that name before.

"No, the Shadow Demon is coming." Elois said with confusion written all over his face. Everyone was confused, except for Astrid and Enfys. Astrid and Enfys were the smartest pack members. They knew everything about everyone and everything.

"That is what I said. The Shadow Demon, Darach, Dark Druid. There are many names for him, but he is one person. The same person. And this pack has faced it before. We faced him and we won, with Kali on our side. She was powerful enough to wipe him out of existence for some time, but she knew better. There has been a war since before either of you existed, Barin. Well, Enfys and Sebastian, Clary and Kaleb were alive back then, but they weren't here." Mr Schmidt said and Elois rolled his eyes hearing about the Great Kali, the Demonic Alpha again. The Alpha that had no wish of becoming a Luna. The Alpha who was famous for saying 'I don't wanna be Luna.' and she wasn't. She died as an Alpha, the great warrior and protector of the pack. She was ready to do anything to protect the pack, even if it meant kill an innocent.

"This pack needs a Sinclair now, Barin. Let go of your fears. Kill the fearfull and become the fearless." Mr Schmidt said again and with this they all looked at Elois as they didn't know what to expect from him. Elois hated being called a Sinclair, but things can change. However, after what happened with his father, he no longer hated name Sinclair that much.

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