Chapter 16: I want to watch them as they all burn.

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Everyone knew what was Sebastian ready to do to protect Elois, but no one really knew what was Elois capable of doing to those who dared hurt Sebastian or to those who spoke against him. That was until few days after Elois left the infirmary. Elois was an Alpha and he had to explain to his pack what happened to him and what is yet to come and he did. Everyone agreed on one fact: they needed to train even more.

Everyone agreed except for one certain member of the pack. The man that disagreed was the pack guard. He lost his friend in the Battle of Immortals and he was angry. His name was Mason Jackson. He didn't disagree on the training terms, not at all. He didn't think that it was fine to have Sebastian in the pack anymore. His argument was simple: Sebastian hurt his Alpha and with that he didn't deserve to be in the pack anymore. It didn't matter to any of them that Sebastian was the King of All.

And that is when Elois snapped.

He walked off the stage and walked towards the man, slowly and calmly. No one knew what to expect. But one thing was for sure, they didn't expect their Alpha to hurt Mason in any way. And that's what Elois did. He pushed the man against the wall and held him up by his neck. Pack members stood in shock, they didn't know what to do. However, one thing was for sure: you don't try calming down the Phoenix. They just end up getting angrier.

"You dare tell me to banish my soulmate from MY pack?" Elois asked the man who was struggling against his strong grip. Mason didn't mean anything personal, however, that didn't calm Elois at all. He wanted Mason dead. Mason tried saying something, but poor guy couldn't even breath. Sebastian slowly started walking towards Elois and he put a hand on his shoulder in order to calm him down a little bit. And he did calm him down, but not enough for him to let go of Mason. Then, Elois' vampire eyes appeared. Eyes Sebastian grew to love even though he showed nothing but anger.

"You will forget what you just said and you will forget what just happened. Now, go." Elois said as he focused on Masons' eyes. Mason slowly nodded his head as he slowly walked out of the room. Sebastian and everyone else knew what Elois just did. He compeled Mason. The compulsion was one thing only vampires and witches could do.

Elois turned around to look Sebastian in the eyes. Eloiss' eyes screamed 'sorry', but Sebastian was proud of him. Elois was so angry that Sebastian thought that he was going to kill Mason and he was happy for him not doing that. Just when Elois was about to hug him, Mr. Schmidt appeared infront of them in his wheelchair. The old man seemed to appear in the most important moments to both of them.

"I thought you said you weren't the Sinclair." Mr Schmidt said with his eyes half closed and with his granddaughter behind the wheelchair, ready to get him to his room at any moment. What no one knew was that Mr Schmidt loved Elois and he wanted him to accept the name of a Sinclair.

"I'm a Sinclair when it's needed." Elois said as he crounched in front of the man. The man looked him in the eyes, but it seemed as if he was looking right through him. In Elois woke up a tiny spark of suspicion. How did he know so much about Kali Sinclair? He seemed to know more than anyone else about her.

"How do you know so much about Kali, Mr Schmidt?" Elois asked and at the name Kali Enfys came closer to them as well. Elois truly wanted to know the answer. Ever since he was a kid, he would listen to Mr Schmidts' stories about Kali and then when he would go to read about her in the books, half of the things he would tell him weren't there. That was the only good childhood memory Elois had, listening to Mr Schmidts' stories.

"She was a great Alpha and I was honoured to be her follower. I was her best pack warrior. And I will be loyal to her for the rest of my life." Mr Schmidt said slowly. He swore to Kali that he would help out any future Sinclair. And that is when it clicked in Enfyss' head. He knew that the name Schmidt sounded familiar to him.

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