Chapter 5: I do not bow!

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It was night and there is one thing that every being does at night. They all sleep and that is exactly what Sebastian was doing. He did feel hurt and angry at himself for not telling his secret to Elois before. But he couldn't do anything about it now. It was too late. Elois knew who Sebastian really was and he felt betrayed. Elois thought that Sebastian should have told him, but there was one thing he didn't know about Sebastian. He was ashamed.

He was ashamed of who his parents were. Because of them, Sebastian didn't get any peaceful sleep in 200 years. Every time when he would close his eyes, nightmares would follow. He would see his people blaming him for what happened. He would see his followers dying and telling him how they don't want him. But this time, it was different. He has a nightmare, but it wasn't about the Kingdom, King and a Queen or his people.

This time, when he was sleeping peacefully for the first time in two hundred years, the Shadow went into his mind. You see, Shadow doesn't need to be close to him to go into his mind. Everything was dark and he felt cold. He looked around in order to try to see something when the light appeared and he saw the Shadow in front of him. Sebastian didn't know what to do so he just stood there for a few minutes.

„So, you are Barin's soulmate. Nice to finally meet you again, Sebastian." The Shadow said and Sebastian couldn't help but cringe at the sound of his demonic voice. It didn't feel right in any way at all.

„I am. Why are you in my head again?" Sebastian asked him with the look of pure disgust on his face. He hated the Shadow most of all of them. He possessed him and did terrible things that Sebastian couldn't stop from happening.

„You are the most powerful creature I ever took over. I needed to see how are you doing." He said and Sebastian smirked sarcastically. Of course he would be back. However, that made Sebastian hate him even more. He made sure that he couldn't follow him. Track him. And if he did it, then that means one thing. He must have a part of Sebastian with him.

A weapon powerfull enough to kill the Phoenix.Except, Shadow only had one weapon of that sort and Sebastian could create much more of that. And there was one thing that the Shadow and Elois had in common. They could both be killed or hurt by the same thing.

„However, that is not really a reason as to why am I here. I am here because I know that you will come to the war against me and that is terrible mistake." He said and Sebastian looked at him confused at first but then he smiled. He thought that Shadow was afraid of going up against the Red Wolf, but that wasn't at all the reason. And as Sebastian asked him if he was scared of a little fire, Shadow laughed so hard that if he was a human, he would be dead now.

„No, no. I am not afraid of you. You see, my power beside control over fire or control of the shadows is that I can also see future more clearly thant the Omniscient Sisters will ever be able to see." Shadow said and Sebastian raised an eyebrow as he asked him if he came to give them a prophecy as well. However, truth or not, they would never believe the Shadow.

„I am not going to give you a prophecy. I will just tell you straight forward. Sebastian, if you come in the war against me, you will be the one who will sentence Elois Barin Smith to death to." He said and Sebastian just shook his head while whispering how he does not believe him anything he says. He would never hurt Elois. Not on purpose at least.

„And if you try to kill Elois, I will be the one who sentences you to death." He said and Shadow only smiled as he answered that Sebastian does not have that big of a power. And if he tried to kill the Shadow, he would die.

„You see, Sebastian. I am not coming in this war because I want to kill Barin Smith. I am coming, because I know what is about to happen and I want to see it with my own eyes. I want to see a soulmate kill his soulmate. I want to see powerfull kill powerfull. And I want to smile as I see the look in your eyes as you realise that everything I told you was truth and you did not believe me. I want to see the look in your eyes as you realise that I was not a threat, you were. I won't even have to force you to kill him. You will do it anyways." Shadow said and with a flick of his wrist he dissapeared in a pile of smoke and Sebastian woke up. He couldn't help but ask himself is Shadow was telling the truth or if he was lying.

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