Chapter 17: I can't let them get hurt.

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And as they sat in Eloiss' office and waited for Enfys to get out of the shock, there was only silence. They didn't know what to expect from what he is about to say. None of them really even knew about Gehenna. They heard stories and legends, but no one knew what was real and what was not.

"What do you mean Gehenna is angrier than she was before?" Elois asked as he sat in his chair with Sebastian by his side. Sebastian wanted to talk to him real bad, but now was not the time. There was a great threat coming their way.

"When Gehenna trained me with her boyfriend she wasn't aggresive or mad. She was completely normal. She went through a lot in her life, but she was never soo ruthless. I was her friend. What I saw in my vision is not Gehenna that I knew. She is completely acting on her demonic instict now. " Enfys finished saying and they listened, they listened to every word he said. They listened to anything or anyone who could tell them how to get out of this mess.

"What do you mean exactly by 'ruthless'?" Sebastian asked him and Enfys sighed. Sebastian saw great people being called ruthless when they were anything but ruthless. He saw a lot of people die by the hand of the ruthless and so did Enfys. He knew exactly what ruthless meant.

"She's coming for all of us. And she wants to watch as we all burn. And trust me when I tell you that she is quite capable of doing so. And there is no weapon that can stop her anymore. There was a weapon, but she burned it. She destroyed it so that she can not be killed." Enfys said and Sebastian clenched his fists as he looked at Elois. Sebastian was never going to let anyone hurt him, not even himself.

Even if he had to use all of his power, he was going to do so.

"I won't let her harm any of us." Sebastian said and Enfys just chuckled at their stupidity. They were dumb if they thought that they could stop Gehenna. No one and nothing could stop her. She is indestructible.

"What makes you think that you can stop her? I knew her, I was friends with her and I am telling you that you can not stop Gehenna." Enfys said as he tried desperately to explain to them who was Gehenna. Gehenna wasnt really his friend, but he knew her long and good enough to know that she can't be harmed. In that moment, Elois finally spoke and asked him what could they possibly do.

"Double your training sessions. Trust me when I tell you, you will need them." Enfys said before he walked out of the office and out of the pack house. He walked towards the border and then he went to the Augustuss' lake. The pack border reminded Enfys why was he called the Free Willing Rainbow Wolf in the first place. He was free to walk whereever he wanted in any time.

But now, he was in the pack and he felt trapped.

He felt sad and terrified at the same time. Gehenna was coming and there was not a damn thing he could do to help the pack. He was going to break the vow he gave to Kali. Enfys sat there for a few minutes now, just watching the water under the moon light, without even realizing that Astrid followed him, like always. She sat beside him and looked at the river.

Few more minutes passed with them only sitting in the silence, none of them daring to say anything.

"Who was Gehenna really to you? And don't tell me she was your friend. Please, do remember that I am the Purple Wolf." Astrid said and Enfys chuckled a little bit. He looked over to her and smiled. She was right though, Gehenna wasn't his friend. She was much more than that.

"She wasn't my friend. She was my trainer. But she was also more than that to me.I don't know how, but I recognized her as mine back then when the Moon Goddess was deciding our fate. The thing is, for some reason she didn't recognize me. She saw me as only her student and then I found out that Damien, her boyfriend, was poisoning her mind without her realizing it. How did he manage to do that I will never understand. However, she wasn't evil. She made me promise never to tell anyone who trained me, but I broke that promise and now she's coming after me too. She still doesn't recognize me as her soulmate. And when I saw her in that prophecy that I had just few hours ago I broke down. She isn't the same Gehenna I knew anymore. And there is not a damn thing I can do about it. You have no idea how it felt to walk through life for over two hundred years, knowing who your soulmate is but having her not recognize you." Enfys said and he waited for Astrids' reaction.

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