Chapter 19: I believe that everyone can be saved

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None of them knew how to react. She came too soon. No one expected her to be this quick. Enfys gasped upon seeing her, Gehenna, after two hundred years and Astrid shot him a sympathetic look. She could only imagine how he felt upon seeing her again and having her not recognize him again. He had to go through all that pain all over again. But what worried her the most was her brother, Elois, who looked like he was disappointed with himself.

He failed to protect his own pack. And now, because of him Gehenna has come and she is determined about burning them all. The reason why she wanted to burn them was simple though. She wanted them to feel what she felt when she was being tortured for hundreds of years.

She wanted them to know why she hated them for killing the Shadow. She wanted them to know why she NEEDED to kill him. She looked at them with a knowing smirk on her face. She knew that they were terrified and she loved it.

"Gehenna, I am begging you to think through this. You don't HAVE to do this. We can help you. We can fix what I broke in you." Damien said as he slowly walked towards her and then stood few steps away from her. But now, Gehenna looked pissed and her eyes became even darker if that was possible. The veins around her eyes were now red.

"Did you ever stop to think about the fact that maybe I never wanted to be fixed in the first place?" She asked with rage in her voice. She wasn't trying to hide her anger anymore. She wanted them all dead, but she didn't want to hurt them at the same time. That's what happens when you are half an angel and half a demon.

"That's not true and you know it. You found me centuries ago, because you wanted me to help you. Come on. I know that there is still the old Gehenna inside you." He said and Elois looked at them suspiciously. She looked at Damien with hate in her eyes.

"I didn't expect you to betray me, Damien. And now you will burn with them too." She said and just as she was about to hurt them Elois spoke. Astrid looked at him as if he was insane. In front of them stood literally the most insane person they'd ever come across.

"He is just trying to help you. Look, I don't know you, but I am willing to help you if you agree to come with us and don't hurt anyone." Elois spoke with straight face on, but deep down he was terrified and he was waiting for her to attack. He wasn't going to let his guard down and neither were his pack warriors who stood there, ready to shift at their Alphas' command.

"But I am here to hurt you." She said with a wicked smile back on her face as she looked around herself. She looked at the pack warriors with her black eyes who just looked away from her gaze. They weren't scared, but it wasn't really comfortable either to look into the eyes of a demon. Then she looked over to Astrid who stood there without her weapons and she smirked. She knew that Astrid wasn't a good fighter without her swords.

Gehenna did her research. She looked over to Elois and Sebastian as she smirked one more time. They looked so confident and they thought that they could actually take her down. Did Enfys and Damien tell them nothing about her power? She looked over the rest of their pack and smirked, until she saw Enfys Dynas standing there. She gulped and looked away for a second before she looked back at him. Enfys looked at her with such an intensity. And in that moment Damien realized something. They had less time to save her then they thought.

Gehennas' mind wall was already broken. The chains from the Shadow took the walls down and drove her insane. Enfys and Astrid seemed to realize that as well. Astrids' eyes turned purple as she sent the information to Elois and the rest of the pack through the mind link. They all looked at her with their eyes wide open as she kept looking at Enfys.

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