Chapter 23: Last piece of The Prophecy!

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A war. The biggest war was going on. The war between hunters and supernatural. Sebastian and Elois weren't close to each other right now. Damien wasn't close to Astrid and Gehenna was far away from Enfys right now. The pack was fighting.

They were fighting back with everything they had. It didn't matter if they were fighting with swords or claws. Right now, all that mattered was survival. Gehenna was going through the crowd as she continued snapping their necks. She was the strongest out of all of them for she was the oldest as well.

Maybe she hasn't been on the Earth longer than four hundred years, but she sure as hell lived much longer than that. None of the hunters could harm her, nothing they carried with themselves could harm her in any way at all. However, that didn't stop Enfys to worry as he watched her fight against 5 hunters all by herself.

Astrid was fighting against two hunters who had enormous swords. Damien wanted to help her even though Astrid declined to have any kind of connection with him and that confused him. How was she so smart, but still so clueless? He was ready to do anything for her, but she didn't seem to care about him at all. But that was the thing with Purple Wolves.

They won't recognize their mate or soulmate until they make a physical contact with them. And the only contact Damien and Astrid ever had was her sword against his neck, ready to slit it open at any moment. Astrid and Damien walked through the crowd as they spilled blood onto the gras that was no longer green.

And then came Sebastian, his hands were red with blood and around his fingers danced red color. And as soon as he snapped his fingers two hunters dropped dead onto the floor. He wore a murderous look on his face and if anyone tried to attack him, they would just drop dead.

He wouldn't even give them a chance at fighting. There was blood everywhere, screams could be heard coming from every side and that meant only one thing.

Black Warriors were doing what they were ordered to do. Sebastian glanced towards Elois to see blood on his once blue shirt and down his arms. He wasn't snapping hunterss' necks. He was ripping them apart, ripping their hearts out of their own bodies. This was war, and Elois had no time thinking about doing what's right. Those hunters were attacking his pack, his own people.

No one is right in the war. Because that's what it is. A war. There is no mercy nor peace in war. There is just blood being spilled.

The numbers of hunters was going down and down every second. However, there were a few pack members that were laying on the ground, dead, with their soulmates crying over their dead bodies.

Then a hunter attacked Elois and he grabbed him by the neck and slammed him onto the floor. The hunter tried to get out of his grip, but he couldn't. Elois then took the hunters' fist and broke every single bone that there was in a human fist. The hunter let out a cry of pain, cry that pleaded for him to stop, but Elois no longer showed any mercy.

"This is what happens when you decide to attack my pack." Elois said through gritted teeth as he forcefully pushed his hand through the mans' chest. He watched as hunters' eyes widened in pain and shock and then Elois ripped his heart out.

Elois got up from the floor and he sighed as he glanced around to see few of his pack members dead on the ground and just a few feet away stood Sebastian who was fighting against two of the hunters.

Elois wanted to help him, but then out of nowhere a hunter jumped on his pack which pushed Elois onto the floor. The hunter held a knife against his throat and Elois froze. He saw Sebastian look at him and he started running towards him, but he was attacked by two hunters. Sebastian couldn't help him.

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