Chapter 7: Not the one to betray you

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It has been a few days since the Rainbow Wolf has arrived. However, they only went to his cell once. This wasn't just any Rainbow Wolf. This was Enfys Dynas himself. He wasn't like every other wolf. He was different. He was freeewheling Wolf. He was trained by someone extremely dangerous and smart. However, no one knows by who was he really trained. He wouldn't say it to anyone. It almost felt as if he was protecting the person who trained him. And this was the day when they went to interogate him, again. This was the day for truth. Enfys knew everything about everyone. He knew everyones secrets yet no one knew anything about him. There was one more thing Enfys knew for sure. He knew who was the real enemy to all of them and he just so happens to know the person.

"Well,well, look who decided to pay the visit. I was getting pretty bored here, you know? It's a pleasure to meet you again, future Phoenix and you as well, wolf." Enfys said with arogance laced in his voice as he looked at Sebastian. Enfys knew who Sebastian was, he just acted like he had no clue.

"Well, we are here now. So, are you ready to tell us why are you really here? Are you ready to tell us everything?" Elois asked with no emotion on his face. That's what he had to do when he was interogating people. He couldn't let them get a hold on him. He was the one who had to manipulate, not the other way around.

"I did not lie few days ago, you know? I did come here because of the Red Wolf. I could sense a big amount of power here so I decided to stop and look for myself. Can you imagine the surprise when I saw Vampire-Phoenix on the throne of an Alpha?" He asked them both sarcastically. Enfys knew who Red Wolf is but he decided to play a little game. The Red Wolf is going to show himself to him, he won't have to say anything.

"Why are you looking for Red Wolf? Why now?" Sebastian asked and Enfys looked at him with such a distaste on his face that if his trainer could have seen him now, she would be extremely proud of him.

"Because the War is coming our way and if I find the Red Wolf, I can put him back on the throne. And once the King is back he can order the Shadow to leave us alone and the War wouldn't have to happen. No one would have to die. And then, we wouldn't be doomed." Enfys said and after the last sentence Sebastian looked at Elois who looked at him confused. Enfys saw their confused looks and he laughed as he walked closer to the bars.

"I can't believe this. You still haven't figured it out, have you?" Enfys asked and they both looked at him confused as they asked him what were they supposed to figure out.

"The Shadow is not the enemy you should kill. He is not the one you should be afraid of. Because trust me on this one thing, if you do kill him you will wake up the greatest evil ever to walk the Earth. You will anger the most powerfull, merciless and vengefull Beast ever to live. And if you do anger her, she will come for us all. The Shadow is her enemy and she swore that the person who dares to harm him will die screaming. She is half demon and half an angel but she only ever acted on her demon side." Enfys said and for a moment there, they were both scared. They didn't know what to do or who to trust anymore. They asked him who was he talking about but they didn't expect to hear the name they heard.

"Gehenna. Demon Gehenna. Banished from Hell. Taken down by The Shadow. " He answered and they looked shook. Sebastian looked at him and said that she is just a myth. She doesn't exist. They trully hopped that she was just a myth.

"We are not myth. Few days ago you thought I was just a myth. Few years ago I thought that the Phoenix is just a myth. Few decades, centuries ago we knew nothing about demons. Humans still see us as a myth so what makes you think that she isn't real? Trust me, she is." Enfys was so sure in his words. It seemed as if he personally knew her and that made Elois ask him the important question.

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