Chapter 1: The Omniscient Sisters

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Elois got out of the bed knowing very well what is he going to have to do that day. Today he has to travel again. He has to find the sisters that knew everything. He has a questions to which only they could answer. He dressed up in black jeans and black T-shirt which showed his muscles. He wore black leather jacket and went down the stairs with one backpack on his back. He was just about to open the doors and start his way to the Lost Kingdom when his father's voice stopped him in his track. He turned around and answered to his unasked question.

"You know where I am going. I won't just sit here, doing nothing and wait for death to knock on my doors. I will find a solution to all this madness." He said to his dad and he stood there and watched as his father started walking towards him. Elijah stood infront of his son and hugged him. Elois awkwardly hugged his father back, he was not used to hugging. In fact, he hated any physical connection with any other living breathing being.

"I know I can't stop you. You're just as stubborn as Rebell was and because of that I will only tell you good luck. I also have something for you." Elijah said as he handed him a map. Elois took the map with a gulp. His father loved comparing him to his mother, even though Elois hated it. He loved his mother but he hated being compared to her, because he thought that everyone had too high expectations towards him because of her. He nodded his head as he said his goodbye to his father and he got out of the house. There were children outside, playing in the dust. It reminded him of him as a little boy, he loved playing in dirt so much and now there is someone going after him, wanting to kill him.

At the other side of the land there were girls drooling over him. They wanted to talk to him, to touch his hair like fangirls but they knew better than to touch Elois. He was almost at the border when a little boy crushed in his legs and fell onto the floor. Everyone looked with mouth wide open as Elois helped little boy get up from the floor. He hated physical contact and yet he helped this poor kid. The boy apologized and ran away. Elois took in a sharp breath as he crossed the border and his pack could no longer see him. He took out the map and started following the lines that told him where to go. He travelled across many other lands, passed many beautiful rivers and saw many wonders of the nature.

He made a little break close to one river as the sun started going down. He laid down in the gras and looked up in the stars. He was desperate. He didn't really want to kill anyone but he had to kill the man that everyone thought was coming for his life. Elois couldn't understand why did it seem so hard to him to even think about killing Sebastian. He killed before, so that can not be the reason. And soon as he was thinking he fell asleep and started dreaming.

No, he didn't dream about the land with flowers, peace, unicorns and rainbows for he knew that that could never exist on this planet. Okay, maybe he did dream about rainbows. He dreamt about his mom, he was talking with her, laughing and playing. Everything a little kid would do with his mother. Except that Elois wasn't a little kid but that was everything he ever craved for. But then, his dream turned into a nightmare as he saw his mother be murdered before his eyes.

He woke up, breathing fast and sweathy. He saw the sun coming up and he got up and continued walking. Two and a half days have passed and he still wasn't at his destination but he was close. A two hours long walk and he will be where he was headed. He was walking for a long amount of time until he passed a group of teenagers, who were just standing there by the lake, smoking and drinking. He was silently passing them when one of them jumped and stopped him from walking. Elois tried to pass him but he didn't let him.

"Hey, what's up? Why don't you stay with us and drink, huh?" He asked Elois and Elois looked at him with murder glare. No one stops him from doing something and try to make a fool of him. Elois tried to pass again but this time he again stopped him. Elois was seriously starting to get pissed off.

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