Chapter 21: We have the Cure!

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It has been days since Kali gave them the cure. Now, they had everything needed to save Gehenna. However, they couldn't find her. No magic could track her. And it was all because of one simple reason: Gehenna didn't want to be found. That much they all knew. Damien no longer had cuffs around his arms. You ask yourself why would they trust him?

It's because he let Kaleb go inside his head to see if he was lying or not. And he was completely honest. That surprised all of them, including Enfys who was sure that there was a secret reason as to why was Damien helping them. But there was no hidden reasons. Damien truly regretted everything he had done to Gehenna even though she asked him to do that.

It was all for her own good and well being, but it was sill wrong. Elois and Sebastian were now sitting in their office trying to find a way to find Gehenna. Astrid and Enfys along with Damien were in her office trying to find her through the security cameras. But there was no sign of her ever being anywhere on the Earth at all.

"There has to be a way to find her. But how?" Elois asked Sebastian who was sitting on a couch while doing different spells in order to find her, but nothing worked. No spell worked. He tried tracking her magic, her power, her demonic or angelic energy, but he saw none of that. Elois walked around the room, trying to figure something out with Sebastian doing everything in his power to find her.

"I don't know. I really don't. I've tried everything. It's as if she never even existed." Sebastian said frustrated as he got up and walked towards the window. He looked outside and saw little kids playing with their parents. For a moment, it reminded him of himself with his mom and dad.

They weren't good nor were they bad parents. They were just focusing too much on their work. But being King and the Queen was hard and being the Fearless Witch and the Monstrous Alpha made it even harder to rule the Kingdom.

"There has to be a way. She is here, there must be a way to get a glimpse of her." Elois said as he walked up and down the room, thinking about any possibility or a way to find her. Her mind is falling apart and if they don't find her soon, she will go insane and there won't be a way to help her anymore. However, Elois couldn't help but ask himself, once they save her, is the Great War really over? Are the Hunters dead? And in that moment, Sebastian remembered something.

"I think I know how to find her. She is the Wicked Beast with enormous powers. She could hide from my spells, but what if I used something unique and powerfull to find her? What if I used something she wouldn't expect?" Sebastian asked as he walked towards his beautiful soulmate. Elois didn't understand what he meant so he asked him to elaborate.

"Us. We are the strongest soulmates that ever existed. I am the only Red Wolf in the world and you are the Bloody Phoenix. We can use my blood and your fire to create different kind of tracking spell. My blood mixed with your fire will track down her power. Our power mixed together is the closest we can get to her." Sebastian explained as he walked to the couch where he sat and looked at the map that was infront of him. He looked up at Elois who finally realized what he needed him to do and he nodded his head.

Sebastian took a knife and he put his palm above the map and he cut it. Few drops of blood dropped onto the map and Sebastian looked up at Elois whose eyes were now orange, the same color his Phoenix was. Elois put his hand above drops of blood and concentrated really hard. Soon after that, the blood was set on fire. Sebastian and Elois watched as the fire-blood burned a line on the map and then it stopped. Sebastian looked up at Elois and then they ran towards the hallway.

"She's at the south border!" Elois yelled as they ran outside and towards the border. It didn't take much time before Astrid joined along with Enfys and Damien. They ran together until they heard some grunting and mumbling. They came to the border and saw Gehenna fighting against tree hunters. She snapped the necks of two of them, but the third one was well trained.

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