Chapter 13: Rainbow Wolfs' History!

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After what happened with the unknown man sent by the Shadow, they all went to their rooms to get some sleep. The whole night went by in complete silence and Elois couldn't help himself but think how this was the first silent night in his pack anyone has seen in the last 23 years. However, there is one person that left their room around 5 a.m. Enfys just couldn't help himself, but visit one place he wanted to go to since his arrival into the pack. He thought that he would be back before anyone woke up and saw that he wasn't in his room.

He didn't even notice when four hours passed and by now, everyone was wide awake. Elois, Sebastian, Astrid, Kaleb and Clary have been waiting for Enfys to return from wherever he was. But it has been two hours now and he still didn't return. Astrid went out to search for him and they let her. Astrid didn't know how to fight in her wolf form properly, but she knew how to fight with weapons pretty good. Plus, she was a Purple Wolf. If anyone could find Enfys, it was the wolf who knew everything. And that is what Astrid prooved that day.

The day when everything went downhill. She was walking around the pack land, but Enfys was nowhere to be found. She visited every monument, every abandoned house, every lake. She went everywhere she thought he might be. Everywhere except for one place. The packs' Graveyard. But, why would Enfys go to the graveyard? He wasn't a part of the pack yet, so why would he go to visit a place where every warrior now lay? That is what Astrid kept asking herself as she walked towards the graveyard. It just didn't make any sense to her. Nothing made any sense right now. No one could describe the shock on her face once she came to the graveyard and saw him standing there.

Enfys was standing infront of one grave in particular. Kali Sinclair. Why would he visit the grave of the Demonic Alpha? She asked herself that as she walked slowly towards him. She stood beside him and watched him look at that grave stone without any emotion at all, but God knows that there was hurricane inside him. Astrid watched without really knowing what to say or what to ask. Enfys and Astrid didn't really connect much since his arrival. Astrid asked him what was he doing there, on the graveyard, and she waited few seconds before he took a deep breath and answered.

"I know that we haven't really connected, but I must admit something, Astrid. Do you promise not to tell anyone what I am about to tell you?" Enfys said with a certain emotion in his voice as he continued looking at the grave stone of Kali. He patiently waited for her answer. Enfys was strong, mentally and physically, but even the strongest ones can be broken. Even the strongest can break down.

"I swear to you with my life. Whatever it is you wish to tell me will hear no other soul." She said and looked at him in expectation. This must be some really big secret if he asked her to promise not to tell anyone. And she promised. What she didn't know is that what Enfys was about to tell her would change her image of him completely. Enfys wasn't who everyone thought he was. He wasn't as dark as everyone thought he was.

"When I first time came here, in this pack, I lied. Everything I said about Red Wolves and Rainbow Wolves was true. But, I lied about the real reason as to why was I here. I didn't come here for the King, I didn't come here to bow down to him. Truth is, I will never bow to him. Sure, I respect Sebastian, but I will never bow to him. I came here to help, that is the truth, that part was true. However, there was one person I was going to bow down to. But I never got the chance to." He said and by now she could see the tears forming in his eyes but he quickly put his stone cold mask back on. He took a deep breath and looked at her for a few second before he continued talking. And Astrid listened.

For the first time in her life, she just stood there and listened. For the first time in her life, she didn't know what was Enfys about to tell her. Because, what he was about to tell her, she couldn't read in the books. No one knew this, no one.

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