Chapter 2: Call me Elois.

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Sebastian carried Elois's body in the infirmary and put him on the first bed to the doors. He made the doctor go outside for there was no antidote for werewolf venom. Sebastian will just have to suck it all inside himself and turn it back into what it was once upon a time. Elijah followed him inside and Sebastian let him stay in the room knowing fully well that Elijah does not trust him. And he possibly never will. Sebastian took off his jacket and stood beside Elois as he examined his wound. He took his hand in his and closed his eyes as he was trying to find out how much did the venom spread. He hurriedly opened his eyes and started getting towels and medicaments against pain. Yes, he is going to suck in the magical venom that was inside Elois but that doesn't mean that it won't hurt. Especially that the venom is close to the brain. Elijah stood there, not knowing what to do to help. He ran to Sebastian once he called him and told him to press the towel to the wound. Elijah still watched carefully as Sebastian was walking around the room taking medicaments or towels. He was still on guard. Sebastian came on the other side of Elois and opened his mouth and gave him a medicament against the pain. As Elijah asked him why did he give him a medicament at all Sebastian answered.

"I will suck in the venom but it spread all around his body and it will hurt him while I'm taking it out. I don't want him to be in pain." He said as he stood for a few more seconds beside Elois and then he took a deep breath in. He gulped and he put his both hands on Elois's arm. And his veins didn't turn black like they do when he takes someone's pain away. They turned bright green. Just a few minutes have passed when Clary and Kaleb stormed in the room. She gasped at the sight of her big brother. She knew that it was him again, even his appearance changed back to his normal. Kaleb yelled asking what was he doing and why was he letting a murderer close to Elois when he was stopped by Clary's death glare.

"I couldn't call you, Clary. We all know that you grew weaker when you asked for mortal life. Plus, Elois is bitten by a werewolf." Elijah said and Clary nodded understanding him. Kaleb still didn't like the idea of Sebastian being close to his nephew but Elijah didn't care now. He just wanted his son to be okay.

"It really is him. My brother is really back." She said as a little tear escaped her eye. She walked towards Sebastian and stood right there, beside him. Elijah and Kaleb asked her what was she talking about and then she smiled. She really did miss her big brother. She missed the smiley, happy and protective Sebastian. When she sent him to hell she knew that it will weaken demon once he returns. She was confident that Sebastian will fight back and that he will one day come back to them.

"He didn't murder Rebell. He would never hurt someone innocent. He didn't hurt anyone. My brother isn't the killer. The shadow is. Only difference now is that I can see the truth." She said as she looked at him in admiration. Kaleb would have felt jelous is he didn't know that that was her brother indeed. But the fact was that she always admired Sebastian. He was always someone who inspired her to be a better person. They asked her how would she possibly be able to know that and she silently answered.

"His appearence was different. His hair was white, his skin pale and his eyes black. My brother has blonde hair and green eyes. " She said and in that moment they heard Elois hiss again. His eyes were still closed but there was pain written all over his face. He started growling and hissing in pain and even moving in pain so much that even Kaleb had to hold him back in that bed. The blood started coming out of his wound even more and then Sebastian opened his eyes as he was looking at Elois with such love and adoration in his eyes that Clary widened her eyes once she realised why was he looking at Elois that way. Then, without looking at anyone else in the room, Sebastian moved his right hand and pointed his palm towards the arm where the wound was.

"Prohibere." And then the bleeding immediately stopped and the wound closed. Elijah looked shocked at Clary and Kaleb as he backed away and so did Clary. Every vein in Sebastian's body turned dark,dark green. And then Elois screamed in pure agony. A scream so painfull that it pained Sebastian to even hear it. It pained them all to hear that scream. Elijah tried to come closer but Sebastian's magic pushed him away. Elijah looked at him, worried for his son's safety.

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