Chapter 24: You should not fear death!

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The last week has been the darkest week in everyones life. Sebastian was still sitting in Eloiss' bed with his soulmate laying there, with Sebastians' arms wrapped around him tightly. If anyone doubted him, they all knew now how strong Elois was.

Even when he was dying, he was giving his best to stay awake. He could hear and see his soulmate, his Sebastian crying above him, never calming down for a second. His heart broke at the sight of crying Sebastian.

He never wanted to cause him any pain, but he had no control over this. Clary and Kaleb arrived about thirty minutes after they found out about Elois being on the verge of dying.

Clary was now sitting on Eloiss' left side of the bed as tears fell down her cheeks and as she watched her brother break down. Clary was adopted by Sebastians' parents, but she was still considered a family.

"Thank you...f-for being there for me. You-You were the closesttt-t thing I ha-d to a mother. Kaleb....Th-Thank you for always being tt-there for me-e. "Elois said through clenched teeth. Every word he said hurt like thousand little papercuts. It felt as if someone kept stabbing him in the chest every time he spoke.

He was sweating, he was dying and there was not a damn thing any of them could do. Astrid stood in the corner as she watched her brother say goodbye to the best people from his past and present.

Two people who he wished were his parents. Enfys and Gehenna stood on the other side of the room, close to the doors. Gehenna wore an expressionless look on her face. But Enfys' face told a different story. He was shocked.

He was dissappointed, in himself. Sure, Kali said that he doesn't have to protect Elois, but he still wanted to. And once again, he watched as a Sinclair fell, and he couldn't do anything about it. Again.

"Don't thank us, Barin. We love you. Everyone here does. You were the child we never could have. We were both happy to raise you, to help you." Clary said through her tears as Kaleb hugged her close to his chest. He looked at Elois and he said the same thing Clary did.

They loved Elois as if he was theirs. Of course, they would do anything to help him. Elois nodded his head and he took Sebastians' hand in his own as he felt his soulmate desperately hug him closer to himself. Sebastian kept sobbing as his soulmate was slowly being drained of his life. Then, Elois looked at Astrid who was just looking at him in disbelief.

"Astrid....I—I know you already lost so-someone fe-few days ago. B-But don't le-t the grief consume you. Promise me, Astrid. Promise me." Elois said as he tried to sit up, but Sebastian pushed his back back against his chest. He kept chanting words that only he could understand. Words in ancient latin. If it wasn't for Sebastians' spell, Elois would have died long time ago.

But Sebastian was slowing the poison down. He couldn't stop it from spreading, but he could slow it down. Astrid walked towards Elois' bed and she sat down on his right side. Clary and Kaleb have now gotten up and sat on the couch in the corner of the room with Clary crying in Kalebs' arms.

"I will try my best, Barin. I am so sorry that I couldn't stop this. If only....If only I could do something to help you. " Astrid said as she held Eloiss' hand in her own. Elois gave it a little squeeze as he shook his head as if to tell her that she couldn't do anything. This was war. And lots of people dies in a war.

This time, Elois was dying with them. He was dying as well. And there was not a damn thing they could do about it. If only they knew that there was a cure. But then again, no one could guarantee that that person would give them her blood in order for Elois to survive. After all, Torgunnas only cared about death. Or do they?

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