Chapter 3: Purple Wolf

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Few days have passed since Elois has woken up and it hasn't been easy at all. Sebastian and Elois have used one whole day to meet each other. Elois liked Sebastian a lot actually. He liked the way Sebastian looked at him and smiled while he was talking. He liked the way Sebastian cared so much about him. He loved the fact that Sebastian was immortal and could produce magic. But he was also afraid of him being immortal. He didn't want to get to close to Sebastian. Elois knew that there is a great war coming their way.

The Shadow Demon was coming for his life and that is why he wasn't allowing Sebastian to come too close to him. He didn't want to leave him heart broken once he is dead for real. The Phoenix is supposed to burn 1000 times before finally dying, but that is not possible with the Shadow Demon in their way. All the Demon wants is to end the life of the Phoenix. However, for some reason the Shadow didn't want Elois dead. He wanted him for himself. In some dark and twisted way he liked Elois.

The Shadow has been watching over him since he was a little kid, but Elois never noticed him. At the beginning all he wanted was to end his life, but as the years passed he grew attached to Elois. He was a predator watching over his prey. The Shadow fell in love with someone he is supposed to kill. He fell in love with his enemy. But his love wasn't pure. It was dirty and everything wrong. But Elois was completely opposite.

No matter how many times the Shadow Demon showed up in his head and tried to seduce him, he would decline him. Elois didn't want him. There was only one person Elois wanted and needed and he wouldn't allow himself to be happy and be with that person. Elois opened the doors of his room and got down the stair and went straight to the kitchen. There stood Sebastian with an old man from this pack.

The man was over hundred years old. You could say that he was ancient. He knew stories and people no one else knew. When he saw Elois come into the kitchen he smiled kindly to him. Sebastian looked over his shoulder and saw his soulmate standing on the doors. And he could feel his heart skip a beat for a brief moment.

The old man that was sitting beside Sebastian asked Elois to bring him something and he did. Usually, Elois would argue and say to get it himself but he couldn't say that to this man. The man was the one who was the kindest to him throughout his childhood. Elois came and stood beside Sebastian as he gave the old man his glas water.

"How are you today, Mr.Schmidt?" He asked him nicely and the old man smiled once he drank his wated. Sebastian had a sudden urge to kiss Elois, but he controlled himself. He knew that Elois wasn't ready for that big step. Sebastian needed to be careful with him.

"I'm good, Elois. I'm still alive." He said and Elois tensed at his name. No one calls him with his first name. Sebastian looked carefully at Elois as he took in a deep and sharp breath. He didn't say anything though, he knew that the man probably forgot that Elois hated being called by his first name. He was old, he couldn't hate him for forgetting.

"You look so much like her." He slowly said and that got Elois out of his thoughts. He crunched infront of the old man and smiled sadly at him. He probably missed Rebell. She was a good leader, a great Alpha of the pack. Everyone missed her and because of that everyone had high expectations about Elois.

"Let me guess. I look a lot like my mum?" Elois asked the old man and smiled at him, but that smile dissapeared once the old man looked at him confused. And that gave Elois indications that he wasn't talking about Rebell. But if he wasn't talking about Rebell, than about who was he talking about?

"No, you physically look like Rebell but your eyes are different. They tell a different story.There's fire inside you. The same fire I saw in Kali Sinclair's eyes the last time I saw her. Elois, don't always act upon your fire. Remember that no matter how great Kali was, her fire was also her doom." He said and Elois gulped as he got up and said that he needs to get out. The old man nodded his head once Elois was out of the kitchen. All mr.Schmidt could hope for was that Elois's fire doesn't destroy him like it did with Kali.

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