Chapter 9: The one to betray

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"I-I-I just went for a walk. That's all. Just a walk. Nothing else." Elijah said as he started sweating and Elois could smell that. He couldn't hear his hear beating for vampires are dead, they do not have a heart. Sebastian tensed and he looked ready to attack any time at all.

"I am gonna ask you this one more time. Where were you?" Elois asked completely calm as he looked his father in the eye. Enfys looked at Elois being completely calm as he faced the one who betrayed him and he couldn't stop, but think of how he reminded him of Kali. Once his father answered with the same answer Elois was starting to get pissed off, but he calmed himself down before doing something stupid.

"Look, I already know where you were, so why don't you cut the crap and admit it?" Elois said and Elijah just kept repeating the same thing over and over again. And this made Elois loose his temper. He decided that he was playing nice and calm for too long now. He stood up from the chair and he ran to Elijah as he pinned him by the wall with his vampire speed.

"I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR LIES! Where were you?" Elois first yelled and then sickly calm asked him the second part. Sebastian tried to calm him down before he did something he would regret, but Elois only yelled at him to back off.

"What if I admit it, huh? I am an original vampire. I am the Alpha of this pack. I can do anything I want." He yelled back and he laughed once he saw dissapointment evident on Elois's face.

"You are not the Alpha. I am. Now tell me where were you?"Elois asked him calmly and Elijah laughed as he looked his son in the face. Sebastian went to do something, but Enfys's hand stopped him.

"I was with the Shadow himself. Now, I went to tell him how to kill you, but turns out he didn't need my help with that, because he already knew it. He also knows who you have in your little team." He said and Elois let go of his father'S neck. Hearing him say how he betrayed him was worse than Elois expected.

"How does he know how to kill me?" Elois asked his father who started laughing and Sebastian finally realised it. It was his mistake. He was the one who was guilty of the Shadow being able to kill the love of his life now. The Shadow and the Phoenix have the same weakness. Of course the Shadow would want to have the weapon that could hurt him and kill Elois, both at the same time.

"Appearently, last time when he possessed Sebastian,your sweet soulmate, he took something with him." Elijah said and laughed like a maniac in Elois's face. Sebastian closed his eyes and shook his head as he couldn't understand how could he forget that Shadow has the Phoenix's stake? Enfys looked at Sebastian as if questioning if his decidion to even come looking for the King in the first place, was a mistake. Elois asked him why he did what he did as Sebastian and Enfys still looked high on alert.

"Why? Are you really asking me why? I lost the love of my life because of you. Because she was protecting you. I lost everything because of you, you useless child. I LOST EVERYTHING!" Elijah said with rage evident in his voice and with pain he was bottling down. Elois just shook his head in disbelief. At least, everything now made so much sense. It made sense as to why did Elijah treat so badly to him as a child.

"You could have had a son." Elois said as he looked at his father in disbelief. How could a parent hate their child so bad? Not even Kali Sinclair, the most insane person to walk the Earth, hated her daughter this much.

"Guards! Take him to the dungeon for vampires." Elois ordered two guards that came into the office as soon as they heard yelling. They nodded their head and took Elijah by both of his hands as they did what they were ordered to. Sebastian followed them just so he could do something if Elijah tried to run away.

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