~ ONE ~

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The waves beat against his skin, now shimmering in the summer sun. The boy didn't understand why he was out here, or how he had even found himself in such a position. He had just woken up out here in the ocean.

Was this a dream? He thought to himself, letting the sun warm his body and the waves carry him. He heard yelling from what he assumed to be the shore, but paid no mind to it. He had never felt so calm...

His head, slightly tilted to the side, watched as the cool blue waters slowly turned red with blood. How did that blood get there? The boy did not know. Though the excruciating, yet numb, feeling in his back told him the blood was without a doubt his.

But how had he gotten so injured that his blood made such a peaceful sight become alarming? He didn't like how the red clashed with the blue waters and golden sun. It through him off balance. How had he even gotten out here? In the middle of the waters? Then another question popped into his head, one that seemed to kick-start his brain.

Who even was he?

He tried to lift his head, but excruciating pain flew up from his back to his neck, making him gasp and yell. "H-help!" Even his own voice was dull in his ears.

This was it.

He was doomed.

With apparent amnesia and isolation, that's how he'd die.

He couldn't even hear the screaming of people on the beach anymore. The boy slowly closed his eyes, willing away his pain and praying for death.

He mumbled one last string of words to himself, "God welcome me in, please for fucks sake."

Not the most graceful thing, but whatever.

Slowly he felt number and number...

Until a sudden pair of strong arms grabbed him. His eyes shot open and he hissed in pain, his vision too blurry to see whoever was holding him and currently swimming with him. "Sorry!" A deep voice said, quickly adjusting his grip so he wasn't giving the boy more pain than he was already in. "Don't worry. We'll be on the shore in a few seconds. Everything will be okay," His tone was strong and determined as they moved through the water, a red trail following them. All the boy could see was that he was really tan and had dark hair, a white t-shirt soaked with bloody water clung to his skin. The boy couldn't help but be mesmerized.

"W...Where am I?" The boy croaked, wishing he could just die.

The boy took a shaky breath. "Shit."

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