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Mark POV

I couldn't. I couldn't let him know. He'd hate me, he'd hate me for kissing him.

Or would he?

I...I don't know yet. I need to know more about him, who he was before all this.

No matter what...

Jack can't know about my feelings.

"Jack McLoughlin?" I was quickly drawn out of my thoughts when a nurse called Jack's name. I watched him stand, looking at me.

"Mark?" He whispered.

I sat up straight. "Yeah buddy?"

I looked over to the nurse, biting his lip. "I...I'm kinda scared, to go alone. Can you come with me?" I was instantly on my feet, leading Jack to the nurse.

The nurse was a boy in his early twenties with brown hair and a fairly handsome face. Too bad I was already mind boggled by Jack. The nurse looked at me, then down to his clipboard. "Which of you is Jack McLoughlin? The ocean patient?" Jack raised his hand. The nurse then looked at me, confused. "And you are?"

I took a step closer to Jack. He hadn't been alone since the incident, and he sure as hell wasn't gonna be now. "Mark. Mark Fischbach."

"I'm sorry sir, patiently onl-"

"I was his lifeguard, and he's suffering from memory loss and needs someone with him at all times." Out of the corner of my eye I saw jack looking at me, but I stared straight at the nurse.

"O-Oh," He blushed, looking at his clipboard again. "I'm sorry, it doesn't say on here that he has a companion." The nurse stepped back, waving his hand. "Both of you. Come in, Dr. Panda will see you now." I hummed with satisfaction, grabbing Jack's hand and pulling him along.

We reached the office, a silver sign on it reading: ANTHONY "JIGGLY" PANDA

"Here we are!" The nurse opened the door, allowing us to step inside. It was an office with dim lighting and Victorian looking furniture. Various papers laid on the large desk in the back of the room, and there was no doctor in there. "Dr. Panda will be with you shortly, he has to get your records. Meanwhile, make yourself comfortable."

The nurse then quickly left, shutting the door. I looked over at Jack, who was looking at the painting on the walls.

God, he's beautiful.

Jack POV

Pandas, eh? Fat, jiggly, pandas. I snickered to myself, turning to look at Mark. "These panda's look like yo- uh, Mark?" He was staring at me blankly. I raised an eyebrow, beginning to blush. It was like he was seeing something only he could see, and he was fascinated by it. I looked away, my face burning. He quickly snapped out of it, walking over to me.

"Hey, are you okay?"

I looked up, my blush fading. "Yeah, I'm fine." I looked over at the chair in front of the desk. "Nervous, I guess."

I jumped when Mark's arms slowly slid around me, pulling me into one of his irresistible hugs. "Don't be nervous. I promise if you get upset I'll kick this guys ass for ya."

I grinned, sinking into the embrace. "Thanks, Markimoo."

"Eh," He pulled away with a happy smile. "That's what friends are for."

"To kick doctors asses for their possibly-mentally-ill buddies?"

"You know it."

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