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"Alright Mr. McLoughlin," Dr. Dennis paced across the room, holding his clipboard and not letting his eyes waver from the form. I sat on the same old white bed from when I first woke up into this, and the nostalgia was getting to me. For this was where I met Mark, learned I was being hunted by someone the police still had yet to find, and I had come far.

I look over at Mark, who sits in the same chair as all those weeks ago. He grinned at me, all signs of discomfort from this morning gone. This was a happy moment, a good moment.

I look back up at Dr. Dennis, who waved for a dark skinned nurse with a curly afro to bring over a syringe of what I could only guess was some sort of drug to calm me. She stood at his side, ready. "Before we remove your bandages, we need to ask you some questions, okay?" Dr. Dennis's voice was chirpy and charismatic, setting me at ease and only furthering my excitement.

"Okay, doc."

Dr. Dennis pulled a chair away from the wall and closer to where I sat. He sat down, his icy blue eyes scanning mine. Time to begin the questioning, I guess.

It wasn't that bad, mainly just a little quiz built off of questions to bring forth my memory and a survey on how my back felt. It only seemed to have taken about fifteen minutes or so.

"Alright," Dr. Dennis sighed, standing. I grinned, sighing as well. Finally. However, instead of him telling the nurse to remove the bandages, he faced Mark. "Your turn, Mr. Fischbach."


Mark looked up, a look of surprise and confusion on his face. "Oh, alright."

Dr. Dennis, however, didn't take a seat. He stood, staring at Mark, his eyes unwavering. Mark looked up expectantly. Dr. Dennis gently set the clipboard down on my bed, and stuck his hands in his pockets as he faced Mark. This was odd...

"Mr. Fischbach," His voice had an icy edge to it. "Please, tell me. I'm dying to know." Mark raised an eyebrow, then froze completely as the doctor pulled something from his pocket on the side I couldn't see. Alarms went off in my head, and I suddenly had a cold chill, what was this?

Then I saw it as he lifted it towards Mark.

A shiny gun.

I gasped, stumbling back and looking at the astonishingly calm nurse. Dr. Dennis's cold stare turned into a maniacal grin as he cocked the weapon.

"How'd you like goggling at my boyfriend?"

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