~ FOUR ~

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I reluctantly rode in Mark's car, a feeling of un-ease preventing me from relaxing. Today was no doubt one of the worst days of my entire life.

I think.

I can't really remember any other days.

Mark suddenly sighed as he came to a stop in a driveway. He turned to me, observing my form. I was sitting in the seat, tense and my eyes trained on his movements. He looked a little annoyed, but patient as well. "You act like I'm a zombie."

"No offense, but I feel like I deserve to be on edge."

He stayed silent, staring at me. "...True," He turned back towards the road to drive. "I guess maybe when we get to the house you'll feel better. My sister just moved out, so you can use her room. She won't mind as long as you don't touch the books she left." 

I stayed silent. Maybe this wouldn't be so terrible? Lord knows I could have been worse off. And Mark seemed nice enough. I nodded, letting my shoulders relax and a sigh slip out of my mouth. "Thank you Mark," I looked out the window. "I'm sorry. Just...it's just been a stressful day." I winced, remembering the hard-to-forget fact that I had a gash in the upper left side of my back.

Mark laughed, a sound that caught me off guard. I looked at him. His laugh was more so like a deep giggle, a noise I hadn't heard before. He noticed I was looking and grinned. "I know I'm hot but you don't have to stare."

I burst into laughter, though quickly stopped because it hurt too much. "You wish you big man baby."

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