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I hadn't let Jack out of my sight the entire time the police were here. We stood in the living room answering questions, though t was mainly me being interrogated since Jack was asleep, while they looked over the kitchen.

Jack was terrified the entire time, but calm enough to answer any questions and not have a mental break down. But I knew that once the officers left I'd have my hands full.

"Thanks, Mr. Fischbach." The officer said, writing down some stuff. He had messy dark brown hair and blue eyes, also wearing a white helmet which the other cops didn't wear. "Just one last question, then we'll get out of your face." I nodded, holding Jack's hand comfortingly. "Are you and Mr. McLoughlin related in any way? Just protocol."

I tensed up and began to blush. I looked over at Jack, who had an awkward smile and a furiously red face. He beat me to answering. "Friends, best friends." I felt an odd stab in my heart.

Officer WildCat nodded, writing it down "Alright boys!" He yelled. "Let's roll!" All the officers hurried out the door, carrying various equipment and plastic bags of evidence. "See ya later dudes." WildCat then joined the others.

The second the door shut both of us started talking. "My attacker visited us last night! Oh my god, Mark! they're gonna come and try and kill me, and then they'll kill you, and then they'll hide our bodies and we'll never be fou-"

"Friends? Is that all I am to you? You're little bestie? What about last night! That kiss, did it mean nothing for you? You need to stop playing around with my feel-"

We both stopped talking, realizing that yelling at the same time would do nothing. Tears stung both of our eyes. "I'm sorry." We said in unison. I stepped forward and gave Jack a hug, tears running down our cheeks.

"I love you, Jack."

"I'm scared, Mark."

"L-Lets..." I sighed. "Let's talk. We really need to." I brought Jack over to the couch, where we both sat. I stared into his shameful eyes, holding his hands tightly. "Jack...last night..."

"W-We kissed..."

I sighed, "Yeah. I'm sorry, for putting the extra stress on your like that." Jack stayed silent, staring down at his lap. "It's just..." I bit my lip, my heart beginning to pound. "I've been so confused. Y-You make me feel things...things I've never felt before. Like," I chuckled. "This joy I've felt in so long. You're my best friend, but more than that. Jack, you're my everything. So," I smiled. "Will you do me the honors of going out with me?"

I waited, and Jack finally looked up. But he wasn't smiling. My grin fell, and Jack bit his lip. "I'm sorry, Mark."


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