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"I-I'm, I'm just so terrified, Mark." My heart beat fast, but the world seemed to have stopped spinning.  "I don't remember anything, someone's trying to kill me, a-and I'm just...I feel like I'm losing my mind."

I let go of his hand, and slumped back against the couch, staring at my lap.

"M-Mark, please don't be upset." I squeezed my eyes shut, willing away the tears. I didn't react when I felt his hands on my shoulders. "I l-like, I really do, Mark-"

"But I love you..." My voice came out as a hushed whisper.

"...I can't be in a relationship right now," He sighed. "I'll just end up hurting you."

I had let him in, took care of him, nearly gotten fired for him. I had given him my heart, loved him, cared for him, trusted him.

But I guess that's not enough.

Don't be so selfish Mark, he has a point. He's hurt and confused.

But I'm hurt and confused as well, just in a different way...

I sat there, staring at my lap for what felt like hours, listening to his sniffles and pleads. Eventually it ended up with him laying next to me, hugging my side as I stared ahead, a hurt scowl on my face. I could feel Jack's tears soaking my shirt, but I didn't feel like moving. Like comforting him for hurting me. "I-I'm s-sorry Mark..." I glanced down at him, my expression stone cold.

"...I'm gonna get you your pill." I moved to get up, but he still clung to me. I looked down, meeting his teary guilty eyes. My heart fluttered, but also ached. I quickly looked away. "Let go, Jack. I'll be right back." After a minute he hesitantly loosened his grip, letting me walk to the kitchen.

I sighed, passing the blood spot where the squirrel used to lay. Even though he hurt me, I was still determined to help him. I loved him too much, to let the boy suffer. I sighed, picking up the bottle from the counter. I unscrewed the lid, and tipped the bottle.

But instead of a pill coming out, a scrap of paper did. My eyes widened, seeing it was a note. I quickly put down the bottle, unrolling the message.

Like my little gift, Fischach? Just for you. Take it as a sign, a sign to get the hell away from him. He's not yours to play with, "Markimoo".

Love, Xxxx 

"Fuck." I looked around, a chill running down my spine. Jack and I were being watched, and by some sort of yandere.

I stuffed the note in my pocket. Jack didn't need to deal with this, especially at the moment. But I was certainly gonna lock the doors tonight.

I grabbed one of Jack's pills and a glass of water, walking back to the living room. Jack looked up at me from the couch, then back down. I placed the items on the table, sitting next to him and wrapping an arm around him. He instantly tensed. "Take it," I muttered. He grabbed the pill, popping it in his mouth and took a sip. He sighed, moving over. I laid down, pulling him against my chest in a spooning position. "I'm sorry..." He muttered.

I sighed. "Me too."

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