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I hear a groan next to me, and turn to see Mark staring down at his teeshirt with a frown. Blue paint drops freshly stained the red fabric. "Why does paint have to be so messy?"

I giggled, running my brush across the mural. "You were the one who volunteered to paint the walls." It was a beautiful sunny day out, and we were spending the day in shorts and tee shirts, painting an ocean on the walls between the city and the beach.

Mark grinned, stepping back to admire our work. "Well of course. I'll do anything that doesn't involve stepping foot in that water again."

I sighed, stepping back with him. he wrapped an arm around my waist and I laid my head on his shoulder. "This is nice."


We stood there for a few minutes, just enjoying the sounds of the seagulls and families behind us. I looked up at Mark, smiling softly. "Thank you."

He looked down, "For what?"

"For whisking me away."

He grinned, leaning forward and lacing a kiss on my forehead. "My pleasure."

A/N: Thank you all for reading! This book was so much fun to write, and in a few days I'll be putting out the first chapter to a new book of mine which will be based off the game Little Nightmares, in which the boys will be making their way through a very odd and creepy ship! So keep an eye out!

I hope you all enjoyed, and th-th-thats all folks!

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