~ SIX ~

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"Fuck!" I fell forward, leaning against the hallway wall. A stabbing pain flew through my back, knocking the air out of me.

I heard Mark hurrying down the hall to me, "Jack! Are you okay?" Not even a second later I felt his arms around me, holding me in a light embrace. I bit my lip, willing the pain away.

"N-No," I hissed, leaning against him. "I need to sit down, please."

Mark hurriedly brought me to the room I was staying in, setting me on the bed. He glared at me as he stood back up straight, looking at me hissing in pain in the bed "Why the hell were you even up? You know I can get you whatever you need."

It was true, it had already been a few days and Mark was somewhat of a saint to me. He brought me my food, let me where his tees, even helped my through the hall. I stared down, slightly embarrassed, "I'm sorry, I...I don't know."

Mark stood still for a moment, eventually giving in and sitting next to me. "You're an idiot."

"I'm sorry."

"Not because of that." I looked up at him, seeing he was staring ahead, a thoughtful look resting on his face. He turned to me, and I looked away. "It's been almost a week since you've gotten out of the hospital, yet you refuse to spend any actual time with me." I stayed silent. "Yeah, you just freeze up like that." I looked back at him and blushed as he studied my eyes. "I feel like you could use a friend right now. Really."

I looked away, but gasped when Mark put a hand on my shoulder. I looked back at him and sighed. "I know, I'm just...wrapping my head around some stuff."

Mark shook his head. "No, stop that." I raised my eyebrows. "Spending every minute thinking about what happened is just gonna kill you, you understand?"

I chuckled, pulling his hand off my shoulder. "Kinda' hard not to."

I watched as Mark's gears turned, him thinking. I just stood there, breathing calmly. What was Mark up to now?

Suddenly, his eyes widened and a smile formed on his face. "You, stay here." He jumped up and bolted out of the room.

I smiled, "Can't really go anywhere if you haven't noticed!" I could hear Mark's laughter down the hallway. Moments later, he returned with a box. "What's that for?"

Mark jumped onto the bed, the contents of the mysterious box rattling inside. "No clue, but it's been up in my closet for a while now and I've had yet to sort through it."

"Yay," he set the box between us. "We get to bond over trash."

"Hey, better than sitting around here with you being miserable."


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